Blackmail possibilities?

Blast from the past… while I still haven’t found my photo album (packed away during the last move), I did find some old black-and-white scans of some of the costuming pics. I’ve added them to my Costuming page. Sharp eyes will find lekythen, snidegrrl, yubbie, jdunson, and markush in some of the pics. The last one also has rubinpdf, but you can’t tell ’cause he’s in a silver helmet. “Cyberpunk”, “Cyberman”… close enough, right?

The following web test I took contains speculation on my sexual habits which may or may not be accurate. So I’m figuring that’s a really good way to get people to click on the link.

speaks for itself:

Web-comic thoughts

I am jealous of Barb and Chris’ upcoming cartoonist fame, so I went and found the old Artificial Intelligence strips Tom Monaghan and I collaborated on.

*sigh* It’s not that I’m not still proud of the work, it’s just that the jokes all seemed funnier back in 1987.

Spent today catching up on Mac Hall… that strip can be pretty dang funny sometimes. Even smiled at the Digimon porn. Bad Boys of Computer Science just didn’t do anything for me, though. By the way, if a hi-resolution version of “Bob’s Quick Guide to the Apostrophe, You Idiots” was on a t-shirt, I’d own three of them.

The artist of Mac Hall did a total conversion, “Marathon: RED”, for Bungie Software’s Marathon Infinity shooter game – some of the best bitmapped art that game’s ever seen. I was hoping to get the Aleph One:SDL version working to show meiran, but the Windows port is still just too buggy. Maybe next time she’s close to a Macintosh.

While digging through my files, I also found the digital file of my game card… yes, I am a card in the Star Trek Collectible Card Game. The original artwork is by Chris Impink, and alert people can see where I got my default LJ user icon from.