Further reading from The Book Of Muffin

Try me! I’m Chocolate Chip

Or at least, I would be if I was a muffin. *grin* People who match chocolate chip muffins are modern and fast-paced, if a bit generic. We’re usually go-getters that like flashy new things and socializing. Just don’t try eating us before we’ve baked; raw eggs and baker’s chocolate are a bad mix. *wink*

Take the Muffin Quiz to find out your variety. Quiz created by LJ user Seeking_Insight.

Remember, Muffin is the path to Illumination. No Hot Dog Buns!

It’s a… uhh… bunker! Yeah!

All the Battletech players, Clix players, Warhammer 40K players, and modelers on my friends list need to read today’s Dork Tower.

(hmm… that’s a big chunk of my friends list, isn’t it…)