I am a Hero

The moon demons showed up last night and tried to turn the moon into caramel candy. But I played loud techno music at them and it disrupted their spells and chased them off.

For the first time, Rising Star was an out-of-town con for me! Thanks shrewlet for crash space. I have to say that the con seemed to go swimmingly from my perspective – every attendee seemed to have a good time, and no staff member melted down in my presence. Nicely done, rattrap! Next year I’ll bring more and cooler Decipher stuff.

I had fun in nius‘ skit, though watching the video yesterday, I was struck with a sense of “Did I really do that?” Hey – it got a laugh. Wonderful thing, stage buzz.

Packet-sized Hail

All Hail The vileone!

Celebrate another year of his cursed existence!

And All Hail madwriter also because I’m a bit behind on birthdays!

Uncomfortably numb

I was right to be worried yesterday. I had a slightly rough day at work – nothing that wasn’t handled by the end of the day, but it was a little draining. As I headed home, I felt worse and worse despite efforts to center and clear my head, and by the end of dinner, I needed to lie down for a bit. The bit lasted the rest of the night, as it turned out I had a fever, sore throat, and nausea.

Feeling a little better this morning; I think I kicked it. Didn’t help that it was a chilly morn in Norfolk today: the car heater has been turned on for the first time this fall. We have separate thermostats for hot and cold air, so I think we’ll be planning to re-balance them soon.

I did miss the Enterprise premiere Friday, we had other things to do and I’m not going to let TV programming run my life. I suppose the people at UPN assume that their target audience all have TiVos. 🙂

Zoomy Monday

A weekend of fighting entropy – we washed the car, replaced the battery in the car, washed clothes, unpacked more stuff, mowed the lawn, built more RTA furniture in which to store stuff. It was a productive couple of days.

This is an odd morning. Despite the fact that I slept poorly and the volume on the clock radio alarm had gotten turned down, I woke up on time and as clear-headed as I ever do. Got out of the house on time without forgetting anything (thanks to some timely help, traffic was even light, and the MP3 CD chose a nice Jean-Michel Jarre / Apollo 440 tune for my drive to work. I’m feeling good this morning. That worries me 🙂

You have to try out this link. It’s work safe, you don’t need to turn up the volume and wait for anything to scream at you, none of the weird Internet jokes here. This is just a funky / cool effect.

Photo ops

My hometown newspaper made someone’s blog! I’m so proud.

Decipher officially launched the WARS game yesterday – I even showed up in the staff pic on the web site. (Green shirt, right side, partially obscured.) The sense of optimism and excitement was very high… unlike all the licensed properties from our past, this is our baby and practically everyone in the building had a hand in it.

I’m really glad I’ve taken this job.

Edit: There seems to be a problem with the link to the staff pic. Going to “http://warstcg.fanhq.com“, clicking on “Articles” in the right-hand sidebar, and clicking on “Happy WARS TCG Release Day From the Gang at Decipher!” should show the pic.

Rutan’s servers feeling the Monday

I guess I won’t be watching SpaceShipOne’s attempt at the X-Prize. Looks like they’ve been slashdotted. 🙁

The good news of the morning is: my lady is once again living under the same roof as I am. It’s amazing how good it felt to wake up this morning knowing that!

Edit: based on the 5 seconds of video I managed to grab before the badnwidth again freaked out, it looks like they made it. Yay 🙂