Operator 7-G, please contact me immediately

Robotech.com is offering a large-scale transforming Garland motorbike toy from one of my favorite anime flicks, Megazone 23. And at the low-low bargain price of $99.95! Sigh. Pout.

I have just finished clearing out a large section of my office – yes, you can actually see floor now – so that Rain can move her computer in here. We need the room, ’cause we’ve offered the spare bedroom to our friend Starr, who really needed a place to sleep while wrapping up nursing school. The help with expenses will be nice, but what clinched the deal was her offer to do dishes for us!

Large rant coming about gamers who think they are the center of the fan universe. Film at 11 (of one day or another.)

Icon for somewhat lame meme

Funny thing is, I do have lots to talk about. Bad news is that I’m far too busy helping our new roommate move in to actually sit and write much of a post.

I did have time the other day to throw this together in Photoshop, but I’m thinking that it’s really not funny enough to use as one of my icons.

Snape on a Plane

The image of an extremely large boa constrictor wrapped around Starscream just didn’t work as an LJ icon, either.

tzel’s looking a little blue

Sometime this week, I must enter the World of Warcraft and seek Telf.

One of the many podcasts I’ve been listening to is an hour of house music from a French website at www.rlpmix.com (actually from iTunes, but anyway). Two amusing things; the Starfleeters in western Virginia used to know a guy with the initials RLP, and it’s fun to think of him surfacing as a French DJ; also, when he reads his website on the audio, he pronounces it “DOO-bleh-vay DOO-bleh-vay DOO-bleh-vay dot r-l-p-mix dot com.” “W” and “J” – the two awkward late-comers to the Roman alphabet.

I do think that “web.domain.com” would have been much easier to say in daily discussions than “www.domain.com”. Too late now.