Tweets for Today

  • 14:30 Looks like nearly everyone here on base who could, took the day off today. I am not complaining. #

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Late Thoughts on a Passing Solstice

The first time I hear “Christmas Eve – Sarajevo 12/24” every year, my calm, measured exterior cracks and emotion pours out of me. I know I ought to specify which emotion, but it’s actually hard to decipher which one.

I have always liked “The Carol of the Bells,” and this specific version speaks to me of the ability of beauty and hope to survive even the most awful of circumstances. The music here is determined, defiant, even angry, as if facing entropy squarely and shouting “You Cannot Pass!”

For much of my life, I’ve been short on hope, and kept myself going on basic stubbornness. I’ve come to realize that the two have more in common than I thought, and that they’re both ways of standing up and saying to a rough universe, “I’m going to make my part of the world a better place… even knowing that you’ll probably make it difficult. I don’t care.”

Fine sentiment, in my book.

We’ve made it through the dark days again, and light and warmth are once more on their way. Happy Holidays, everyone!

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Games under the tree

Definitely a traditional Christmas for me… History and Science channels on the tube, wrapping presents for others while being unable to wait to unwrap ours 🙂

My Munchkin collection is looking healthier! Starr gave me Munchkin Impossible and Munchkin Cthulhu I & II… now we have to invite someone over to play them with us. 2-handed Munchkin is much less fun.

Back in my Decipher days, Justin taught me how to play Carcassonne, and I’ve been wanting a copy for the years since. Never managed to pick it up, but I knew it was fun to play, so I picked up a set as a Christmas present for raininva when I heard she was gaming again. Well, guess what other game I got yesterday 🙂 Already broken it in, too. Fun!

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 85 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Take the Sci-Fi Movie Quizdigital camera ratings

I had a little trouble with some of the older movies I haven’t seen yet…

Relocating the center

This is the first Saturday in weeks, if not months, where I could sleep in, Starr didn’t have to go to work, and we have no obligations at all today, social or chore-based.

I have really needed this. It won’t even last the weekend, but that’s okay. Thank you, universe, for this early Xmas present.

(Also, the days will be getting longer again starting today. I needed that really badly too!)

Tweets for Today

  • 08:25 End of a loaf of garlic bread for breakfast. Yummm. Frost on all the laws this morning… boo. #
  • 11:35 NEED MOAR PANTZ. Nearly all the ones i have don’t fit any more or are coming apart. 🙁 #
  • 14:19 Boy, you plug one bad FireWire hard drive into your machine, and everything stops working. #
  • 14:25 @dragonpearl: Any good dales at the CompUSA near you? #
  • 14:30 Y’know, my typing ability, never stellar, has declined noticeably in the last few months 🙁 #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:01 Lovely evening last night. Great early Xmas present, good company, “Chicken Run”. Even got a decent night’s sleep! #
  • 14:24 Randomly met two fandom friends at lunch… knew they worked here, but hadn’t seen them in months in or outside or work. Nice! #

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I Know I Am Wasting My Time

With the released news that Peter Jackson will once again be working on “The Hobbit”, the “OMG Jackson got Lord of the Rings ALL WRONG!!!” people have come back out of the woodwork.

Of course, in fandom, the concept “I would have liked if Jackson had done x differently” is the same as “He completely screwed it up, he ruined the books for me forever, I had to burn my copies afterwards!” This is crap. If you want to see LotR completely screwed up, Ralph Bakshi can help there. Jackson didn’t even come close.

Y’know, I would have liked it if the last “Pirates of the Carribean” movie had done some things differently. I still had a good time in the theater, and felt like my cash was not ill-spent. I’ll probably go see number four when it inevitably gets made. There’s a difference here.

I still say the same thing to these flamers: a whiny blog post doesn’t cut it. Write your script, get the budget, assemble the creative team, hire actors, film your work, get it edited and scored, and get it distributed, and gather widespread critical acclaim. Winning 13 Academy Awards is not necessary, though it won’t hurt anything. Once you’ve done that, I’ll allow that yes indeed, you might be able to make a better LotR than Peter Jackson.

And I’ll gleefully read all the posts from all the fans letting the world know that yes, you too have completely screwed up The Lord of the Rings.

Tweets for Today

  • 16:59 Is it silly to take such glee in paying another bill on time and within budget? #

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