Okay, so now I’m going to ask my questions about Episode 2, and hopefully get them out of my system.
1) Artoo is a droid, and doesn’t need to sleep until his batteries run down (which, judging by available evidence, takes a long time). He’s been assigned security duty for a diplomat who was just the target of an attempted assasination this morning.Why was he asleep?!?
2) Does Coruscant have *any* sort of traffic control? Or do they just trust that everyone in a flying car is no danger to himself and others?
3) Why did Jango Fett decide he needed a kid? What kind of upbringing could that kid possibly have had? And how did Boba Fett really expect his mercenary bounty hunter dad to die – in his sleep? For that matter, did Jango consider that?
4) Jedi aren’t really that useful, are they? They are arrogant, tend to answer your direct questions with vapid platitudes, and really can’t handle more than three or four bad guys at once. In fact, Luke and Qui-Gon are the only two Jedi that I’ve yet seen actually complete an assigned or chosen mission.
4a) While I’m on the subject, exactly how were a couple thousand sentients with swords (admittedly keen ones, but swords nonetheless) keeping together a government of hundreds of thousands of star systems? Did everyone in the Republic (including the Sith) just decide to play nice for a thousand years until Palpatine showed up?
5) Just how loving a son was Anakin to leave his mother in slavery for 10 years? He didn’t care then, why does he suddenly care now?
6) And how freaking convenient is it that Shmi survives for a month in a Tusken camp just so she’ll be ready to die in her son’s arms the moment he arrives?
7) Am I really supposed to belive that both protocol droids and battle droids have Plug-n-Play parts? And exactly where was C-3PO’s intelligence center: head, or chest? The movie bizarrely implies both.
8) I love Samuel Jackson, but I’m curious to know exactly what Mace Windu’s plan was on Geonosis? Was he making it up as he went? Why didn’t he take out a few of the lead bad guys while he was standing there with a saber blade at their throats? Is he going to have a couple hundred angry Jedi apparitions keeping him up nights for a while?
9) Why is a mostly non-combatant Senator Amidala the only one to realise that a distance weapon might come in handy in the big fight?
10) Why could Yoda, regarded as the greatest Jedi warrior of legend, not defeat one aging horror movie star? And don’t tell me he wasn’t beaten. His mission was to stop Dooku, and he failed (and got two more wounded Jedi to clean up).That will do for noe, but I have a final comment – you have to appreciate Palpatine. Here’s a man that has more backup plans than the Impossible Missions Force used to. He’s agot all the peices on the board so perfectly arranged that his plan will go forward no mastter what. This takes brains.And he also has enough sense of irony to send his own Republic-conquering army in to save the last ragged remmnant of the Jedi. Style, baby.
Random comments: they made it sound like Anakin wasn’t allowed to visit his mother, though I think he would have asked to go back by then or something, ask the Jedi to fund a little “free my mom” mission and just go buy her.
And the way Schmi said that she could go now or whatever made it sound like she was hanging on, and might have hung on for a good while after that, becuase she wasn’t ready to go until she knew everybody was okay (or whatever) and now she knew her son was grown and (okay I don’t think so) handsome and she was proud and could tell him that she loved him and she could go now. Methinks that was her “I give up now.” moment.
I think R2 was in a kind of sleep mode to give the Senator privacy. He did seem to have all censors running. (he was programmed to detect a humanoi/assassin intruder).
If Corsucant has traffic control, I still don’t see them having any way of really controlling anything ; ) If the books held a lick of respectability anymore, they do have some control, and people mostly follow it because it’s just too dangerous not to. Some people probably risk it, but the Jedi do have that fun special senses thing that makes risky stuff a little easier.
I don’t buy the Jedi system either.
And army is that bad why?
A clone army, sure not that horrid. But an army in general?
Love Palpatine. He even had plans for if he died.
Jango Fett was created to be Boba Fett when Boba Fett was too young to be Boba Fett. Just because people love Boba Fett. I still stand that he was cooler when he was dead in the Sarlac pit.
Still confused why Yoda didn’t ram the big falling column into Dooku’s ship. That’s what I would have done. Not to mention something Zaggy pointed out: that one scene invalidated Yoda’s biggest advice: size matters not. He should have handled that as easily as he handled the smaller objects, therefore freeing him up to fling it at Dooku, or something. And why couldn’t Obi-Wan handle that? HM? Isn’t he like, Mr. Jedi behind the council?
Zaggy also pointed out that Threepio conviently took on Jar Jar’s role in the battle, randomly shooting things and being comic relief. Though I pointed out that he did it better because he didn’t actually hit anything important and magically solve everything (hate that).
Lastly: My biggest problem is that the whole plot hinged on an assassination plot on Senator Amidala. Why were they plotting?
Because the dumb Nemoidian had a grudge. No real reason. Yeah, she was stoping the sepratists, but Palpatine seemed to be okay with that mostly. It was just because that dork wanted her head on his desk because she messed with him before. Woo, I’m sorry, get a voodoo doll instead.
Phah. That assassination plot uncovered lots of things that Palpatine and Dooku were doing, but again Palpatine made it work to his advantage.
Rambling when I should be in bed, big move tomorrow. Night!
So much to say about this one, but for now I’ll just post the numbered list I made in response to someone else’s LJ treatise:
1. Padme was cool to me perhaps because I saw the movie in such close proximity to Spiderman. Padme is like “let me kick ass now” whereas M.J. was like “let me whine and get rescued”.
2. Padme was not cool to me because she fell in love with her stalker. Hello, can I get an intergalactic restraining order on this guy? He’s upset because she kissed someone else when she was 12 and in the Model U.N.??
3. Which brings me to Anakin: Creepy. I mean, I know he’s supposed to be foreshadowing, but please. He’s more like forehammering. And I really can’t tell if the kid can act because, for chrissakes, the dialogue written for him was just. so. bad. I’d much, much rather have Tobey M… heh. Let’s put it this way; I enjoyed Jar Jar more than Anakin.
4. What is with the like, 5 different “Oops! I lost my lightsaber!” scenes?? I’d think a Jedi would be trained to sacrifice his nuts before his lightsaber hand. I was irritated with the ways the force conveniently worked and didn’t work depending on what was needed for the plot.
5. Yoda – As I said, they should have named the movie Episode 2: Attack of Yoda. I will say I think I actually kind of prefer him as a muppet than as CG.
6. I maintain that Samuel L. Jackson was way too Samuel-L-Jacksoney to make him believable.
So, beyond that stuff, I went back and watched the original. I’d seen it maybe, 15 years ago and that’s it. It was
Lastly: My biggest problem is that the whole plot hinged on an assassination plot on Senator Amidala. Why were they plotting?
Because the dumb Nemoidian had a grudge. No real reason. Yeah, she was stoping the sepratists, but Palpatine seemed to be okay with that mostly. It was just because that dork wanted her head on his desk because she messed with him before. Woo, I’m sorry, get a voodoo doll instead.
Actually, I don’t think that’s the only reason. When it came to the emergency power transfer, I think she would have sliced her own arm off before giving complete power to one person. Assassination attempts are a good way to get a person out of the public eye for a little while and when the strong piece is off the board, it’s much easier to manipulate the weaker ones.
“Oh, if only there were a patsy… er, person strong enough to suggest this.. you know Amidala would do it.”
I love what’s happening in the Galactic Senate; I thought I would fall out of my chair laughing at the “I love democracy” speech. You could almost believe what he was saying… if you didn’t know how it all ended. :
Ok. my turn:
1) Artoo was more in screen-saver mode, probably. Besides, Amidala was bait — it’s hard to be a convincing bait-person if your amazing droid has the halogens on and is scurrying about the room. 🙂
2) No, but much like New York traffic if you know the metal ballet, it’s easier to drive in it.
3) Why does anyone want a kid? You want companionship and someone you can teach the things you know to. In a purely biological sense, you want to get your genes into the system; now, normally you do that by mixing with someone else, but obviously bounty hunters just don’t have the time for that. As for Boba, you have to figure he knew his father would die at some point — just not by Sam Jackson slicing his head off.
4) By being the stick occasionally held over systems’ heads and by being a negotiations force. All the systems have their own police and armies, so most internal things can be handled that way. If it threatened to get larger, their beef was brought to the Senate. If that still didn’t work, then you send in the guys with the glowy swords.
5) I think he did want to go back, but just couldn’t. Plus, since she was only in the major danger over that last month, there wasn’t the “I must go get her now now now!” drive.
6) Convenient. Plot-convenient. I’m guessing that it was more poignant to the writers than having her be turned around and be all dry in a Psycho-like moment.
7) Um, yes. And personally, I think his brains were in the seat of his pants, but I’ve never liked C3PO.
8) I think he was intending on just getting Obi-Wan out of a cell; I don’t think he intended on finding an arena full of bugs. And no, I don’t think there were that many Jedi ghosts; from what we’ve seen only the most powerful get to be ghosts. As for why not kill all of the ones there… well, killing the Trade Federation heads is an intergalactic incident (something not done if you’re supposed to be the peace-keeping side) and killing Dooku… I don’t think he could have. From what we’ve seen, Dooku is the only direct student of Yoda’s we’ve met. He must have been quite a talented child to get Yoda interested. As a side note, I liked the way Christopher Lee just looked at Sam Jackson with the “I have no time for you; go elsewhere and play” look. 🙂
9) Because she didn’t have a nifty glowy sword? I figure this is where Leia gets her marksmanship skills and inclination to pick up any random blaster laying around. 🙂
10) First off, no being down on Christopher Lee. 🙂 Sure the man is 80, but he still was more fun than almost anyone else in the film. As for Yoda, I don’t consider it beaten; I consider it a draw, since without the column and wounded Jedi he probably would have kicked his former apprentice’s behind. (Oh, and Mary, if Yoda had dropped the big column on Dooku’s ship there would have been no Death Star plans, no Death Star, and no main trilogy. 😀 ) Plus, there wouldn’t have been two wounded Jedi if Anakin hadn’t run in there like an idiot.
And I do appreciate Palpatine; he took 20 years to slowly get everything into position. He didn’t even have to work that hard to get people to come to the conclusions that he wanted. I look forward to seeing what’s in store for the final film
Another note about Jango; if they have his “perfect replica” show up and act *just like* him, I’ll be like, oh please. Because a clone, no matter how perfect, does not have exactly the same experiences and the same personality. Phththbhtht!!
Well, none of the other clones were just like him since they had all been modified to be more… tractable, I think the word is. They just shoot better than your average Imperial Academy-trained stormtrooper. 🙂 Boba’s not quite like him either, since he’s had different experiences; they’re just genetically identical.
no, i mean, they made a point to say that the only thing jango asked for in return for being the model for the clone army was one “unaltered” clone that was not made to be tractable. i’m just thinking since they made a point to say that, that jango will be a-comin’ back.
Oh, no — the unaltered clone was Boba. What he asked for was one to be unaltered: no speedy growth, no unquestioning loyalty. He just wanted a son. 🙂
Hey, I appreciate Palpatine. I was wondering for a while why he even bothered with all that “Dark Lord of the Sith” stuff. All he really needed in Ep 1 was a willingness to sacrifice his home planet to achieve power. And in Ep. 2 he’s playing all his enemies off against each other to TAKE OVER THE GALAXY….
The only reason I can think of for even needing Sith powers is shielding his mind against the Jedi…. And honestly, they are seeming less and less perceptive by the day. C’mon, Yoda, we can feel his evil from the theatre, you’re in the same room.
T’Renn “The good news is, it’s all Jar-Jar’s fault. 😉 ” Vraomrell
The only reason I can think of for even needing Sith powers is shielding his mind against the Jedi….
Well, there’s also the lightning and the styling black cloak. 🙂