First time we went to the gym, I walked a mile, felt fine, was pretty proud of myself.
Second time (today), I walked two miles to prove to myself I could. Now my feet hurt and I’m sore all over. However, the massaging foot bath I bought Rain helped with the first bit, and ibuprofen will knock out the second, so I’m still pretty proud of myself.
Gonna stay at two miles until I’m comfy with it, though. I can’t wait until I can do five comfortably.
Come here, I’ll kiss it and make it all better!
*dons her personal cheerleader uniform*
Go! Rah! Yay!
Um, yeah, tired now ; ) *laugh*
I think I pulled a muscle doing those jumps. Oi, wasn’t very good at it when I WAS a cheerleader.
Now stop laughing! You’ll get a sidestitch!