Enjoying hypertext

Okay… I have just proved to myself that I don’t have a single functioning braincell.

I’ve only been reading jdunson‘s comments to my various friends‘ posts for several days. Only today did it occur to me that I could add him to my Friends List.


Hi James! I just downloaded the OS X binaries for ToME after reading your mentions in your journal. If this game sucks away my life like a Blizzard game does, it’s all your fault. 🙂

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One Comment

  • jdunson says:

    It can suck a fair amount of braincycles, but it does so pretty insidiously. It’s completely turn based, takes up only tiny amounts of system resources, is available for most OSs, and plays well with others. I tend to play it while waiting for things to download at home, for instance. At one point I was playing it on my laptop while waiting for Civ III turns to finish on my home desktop 🙂

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