Some would call this lunch… I call it a temporary cease-fire
Things I like about being the only one in the office:
* I can look at any web page I want providing I remember to clear my history and caches when I leave 🙂
* I can do really stupid chair dances when iTunes is playing techno and nobody can look at me strange.
Things I dislike:
* The phone rings every 5 minutes, and I usually have to answer with “They’re not here right now” or “I can’t give you a price on that, may I take a message for one of our sales reps?”
* I can’t get anything else done because of the above. It has taken me over an hour to finish this single LJ entry, and I’m only managing that because I’m waiting for a PDF file to finish generating.
* I have to lock the front door and put up a “Back Shortly” sign just to use the men’s room.
Thanks to everyone who read my first poll, and voted. For everyone who picked choice #3, I want you to know that I really truly feel the love, and it takes one to know one. :p Discounting choice three, the top pick was “An appreciation of women in panties is a natural form of sexual expression, thankyouverymuch” which gives me hope for the future of this society. And I’m glad someone had the nerve to pick choice #6.
My tastes for background music have been sliding farther away from rock and pop, and more towards techno and dance. I think it’s ’cause my brain needs the endorphins these days. I’ve been trying to listen to some house music, but every time I play a house track, I keep feeling like it’s the world’s longest intro to an actual song (which never starts). I did surprise one of the salespeople yesterday… she heard “Popcorn” playing on my speakers, and named three other 70’s pop/rock instrumentals she used to like. I had them all and played them for her. 🙂
That’s it for now…