Technicon 24

Technicon was awesome.

It was just what I needed, frankly, to recharge my batteries a bit to offset the drain of the trying days recently. anterus and his staff did an amazing job. I’m a fan of the new hotel, too.

I’ll have a lot more to say – some of which will go in the special filter – after I’ve gotten a little sleep. Somehow, I’m still in no pain from dancing on Saturday night, but my body is beginning to ask me in a general sense just what the hell I thought I was doing all weekend.

LJ people who made the weekend especially nice for me: shrewlet, platypusgirl, krysturtle, meiran, tltrent, kittykatya, tzel, rainbowsaber, kittenchan, impink, southernsinger, pathia, rattrap, fishy1, colleenk, dracoshen, vond, kathleenroberts, jameshroberts, and jsciv. That’s not even everyone from my Friends list whom I saw there – just a list of people I remember helping me out when I needed something. My friends rock.

Special thanks to vileone and vilejynx, who do not hate me despite the fact that I completely ran out of time to participate in their LARP!

I definitely want the DVD – and I absolutely want copies of those pictures. You know which ones!