Not quite on Time

The 2007 season of Doctor Who started on Technicon Saturday, and no one on my flist posted word one? Not even rubinpdf?

I need to follow these things more closely. I also need to buckle down and finish the 2006 season… and Torchwood maybe…


  • jsciv says:

    I need to finish Torchwood, but I do have a line on the Who series 3 so at least there is that.

    One nice thing about attenting Gallifrey was that it made me keep up with the Doctor. 🙂

  • Oops … my bad.

    I was able to download it Monday and watched it immediately. I had even thought about posting that in my journal, but it somehow slipped my mind. With any luck, the next episode will be available sometime Saturday night/Sunday morning.

    “Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.”

    “Nice to meet you, Ms. Jones.”

    … and yes, you need to watch Torchwood …

  • rubinpdf says:

    I mentioned it to a couple people at Tcon… just haven’t posted it anywhere. My understanding is that the Sci-Fi channel the BBC broadcast as much to causal fans.

    I will say that Smith and Jones was a promising start to the third season (unlike New Earth). Looking forward to the rest of the season.

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