By Klono’s carballoy claws!

I love E.E. “Doc” Smith’s Lensman series. Many of the reasons why I love it are succinctly expressed in the comments to this other user’s LJ entry, in which jordan179 discusses all the SF cliches that Smith practically invented.

One of my favorite comments to the entry is: “When I read a lot of modern science fiction of the “doomed to disaster” variety, I often think that what the characters in the story need is an E. E. “Doc” Smith or John W. Campbell Engineer-Hero to come along and knock the problem on its head a few times.” I talked about this in my “zombie horror” entry. Too many SF / Fantasy characters these days have already given up, and won’t even try to do something about the horrible situation they’re in.

This lead me to the following link: “The Doom that Came to Necropolis”. Imagine a Cthulhu Mythos story starring a square-jawed man of Science! who won’t be cowed by shadows in the dark…