Some things are fixed, some things are in flux
The latest Who made me happy for the second time in a row, hitting all the right notes. Not only was the script intelligent, irreverent, and snappy, I didn’t have to sit through any groaningly silly pseudoscience. Plus, we got a quick shout-out to a First Doctor story – now there’s research!
And Donna’s honestly winning me over: anyone who can give her captors a tongue-lashing while tied to a sacrificial altar is worthy company for the Doctor. And she once again shows him, in the climactic scenes, exactly why he’s taken her aboard. I wanted to cheer for both of them.
Next week we get the return of the evil (misunderstood?) Ood from Series 2. I can’t honestly say I’m thrilled… but then, I couldn’t say I was eager to see the Ferengi on their second appearance, so I’ll give the writers a chance. Perhaps I’ll get three for three.
Tags: doctor who, tv
There was a lot of good in this episode, I thought (aside from the Epcot reference). I am again impressed with the Donna/Doctor interaction: she’s not going to follow where he leads because she’s smitten or anything, she’s going to voice her opinion and challenge his decisions. Much more of a “mate” than an inferior, and I really like that so far.
The water gun has caused a lot of people to go a little crazy about “but the Doctor doesn’t use a gun”, but I liked the sequence, even if one has to wonder what he’s doing carrying a yellow squirt gun around in his suit.
And it’s nice to see the Doctor be a bit Time Lord-ish: they did a good job of conveying a bit of alien gravitas to him in a couple of the scenes there which was welcome.
It’ll be interesting to see how the two prophecies bear out. “She is returning” seems pretty obvious from last week, but there’s also a second person “she” could be. “You have something on your back,” that one is going to be interesting to discover!
I’m kind of interested to see what they do with the Ood. It seems on the one hand they might be rehashing what happened to them on the planet, but it’s hard to tell…