No Cosplay America For Me

This con is nice and local, so we could commute if we wanted to. But it’s a big enough con, to be a turn-off for Maya and if I’m going to be realistic, we just can’t go.

This really sucks. I’d like to show off Princess Peach, and I still have three new outfits no one’s seen yet. I miss costuming. I don’t know when I’ll hit a convention again but I expect it’s going to be a while.

Not the Best Anniversary

On this day in 2011, I tried quite seriously to kill myself. I was a second or two from succeeding when sense kicked in and I had my friend Jesse take me to a mental hospital, which I left two weeks later, as stable as I was gonna be.

I’m in no real danger any more. Haven’t been since that day. But the horrible side of my brain tries to talk me back into the idea whenever I’m stressed, which is pretty often. I’ve tried various drugs to calm myself and shut that thing up, but they’ve never really worked, and I still have to listen to the self-destructive asshole. It gets old.

Either way, I’m still here, which I’m thinking is a victory.

No Anime Mid-Atlantic For Me

I had to cancel the hotel room for AMA 2018. We really can’t afford it with the financial pressures of a single paycheck. Kara wasn’t going anyway, but I’ll miss Angel and the other Hampton Roads con-goers I’d normally see there. Not to mention I’ve got some great outfits I want to show off in.

Damn, I hope our finances get sorted out soon.