Sensor Readings Becoming Clearer
Maya underwent surgery today, with Bert and me at her side. They put in a chemotherapy port and took a large biopsy. We still don’t have all the details, but it’s definitely Hodgkin’s. some where between stage 2 and 4. This is kinda the difference between “probably okay” and “gonna die”, so we are hoping for more details soon.
It took them forever to get her into surgery, but the actual procedure went so fast that Bert and I barely had time for a quick cafeteria meal while waiting. They sent her home within an hour or two, and she was up and around before the evening was over. Modern technology, wow. She’s pretty sensitive about the scars. Boy, that’s something I can relate to.
Again, if you read this, this isn’t widely-disseminated information yet. Please keep it to yourself until we make a public announcement.
Also: shit.