A Pie’ndemic Is Upon Us!
On Friday the 13th, of course, I got upsetting but understandable news. With only a day’s notice, the “Sudden Cravings” sploshing shoot had to be cancelled. Our pregnant model had quite reasonable concerns about the rapid spread of the virus among the public and the potential effects on her baby. We didn’t know, but lockdown orders would be issued within the week.

Well. We were sitting with over 20 pies and four pitchers of cake batter and were at quite a loss. In desperation I asked my friend circle if there was anyone who was comfortable with coming by for a single afternoon to film. To my relief I found two, “GirlDynamic” and “Valencia”. One of our backup costumes even fit Valencia. I quickly wrote another script and focus-grouped it among my friends – they all agreed it made them laugh. So the next day, we filmed “Pie’ndemic” to mock this frustrating virus which has been the source of so much pain.
“Pie’ndemic”s description in the store:
“In these difficult times, it’s remarkably comforting to have professionals like Valencia and GirlDynamic on the case! The ladies give us a messy briefing on cannolivirus using cream pies and yellow and chocolate cake batter for demonstration. Spokesperson GirlDynamic’s long white coat is destroyed while nurse Valencia wears a red PVC dress for extra protection! Filmed on Pi(e) Day 2020, 3/14! *Coronavirus is very serious. But we still have to have fun!”
So, we posted it for sale, and it’s done okay. Some people thought it was in bad taste. The payment processor demanded we remove the final scene because it was not obvious to them that the performers could get out at will. But everyone else seems to have gotten the joke, and a good laugh. So, as a thank you for reading my blog, I’m giving you – yes, you – a chance to watch the entire uncut version on YouTube. If it makes you laugh, please consider buying a copy. We still have to make “Sudden Cravings”!
This video is rated PG-13 at worst. There is no nudity or sexual content. There is a lot of immaturity. This video link is private: please do not share it elsewhere. And please let me know if you enjoy it!
Got a VR viewer, either Google Cardboard or fancier? Watch in VR! https://youtu.be/67NwaUpq6pk
Thanks again! And stay tuned for more pie fight silliness…