Open the iPod connection, Hal…

Apple introduces iPod, a FireWire-equipped digital audio player (MP3, MP2, more) with a 5GB hard drive (1000 songs). iPod is the size of a standard deck of playing cards, and includes: 20 minute skip protection; FireWire connection; a 10 hour lithium-polymer battery which charges in 1 hour; backlit LCD display; playlist support; ID3 tag support; a scroll wheel for fast song access.

iPod will ship November 10 for $399.

Apple iPod Here’s a look at it.

I really wanted one of these for about 15 minutes, until the price got posted. I can think of other things to do with $400. If this is the beginning of Apple’s move into consumer electronics – well, I have my doubts. It’s neat – and I do want one – but I can’t afford that price.

“We Are Klingons! (Aaarrrrr!!)”

I know that this post will be completely uninteresting to those who don’t watch any “Star Trek”, but I was thinking randomly this morning while working on another used car ad, and my mind turned to last week’s episode of “Enterprise”.

You know, I became quite weary of Klingons during the late seasons of “Next Generation”. It’s not so much their politics, cultural attitudes, manners etc. that I directly mind – it’s just that I wonder how the heck Klingons ever managed to become a space-faring race with a large empire.

I mean, is it only humans that actually face risks and difficulties in space travel? Imagine, if you will, “Next Generation” as a series about a Klingon ship, maybe the “Battlecruiser Vengeance” (that’s an in-joke, btw.)

“Encounter at Farpoint” – the crew of the Vengeance meet Q, who challenges them to prove that they aren’t a savage, child race. They fail, and in pique, he curses them with the inability to actually die permanenly. (They’ll need that curse.)

“The Naked Now” – Investigating a lost ship near an unstable star, the Vengeance contracts the “drunken” virus. The crew start slaughtering each other, until the last two or three are killed by the explosion of the star.

“Where No Klingon Has Gone Before” – An alien Traveler accidentally gets the resurrected Vengeance crew lost in another dimension. After his first attempt to get them home fails, they kill him, and wander uselessly in this dimension until they starve to death.

“Q Who?” – The captain of the Vengeance is too proud to ask Q for help against the new race he has introduced them to – the Borg. The Klingons shoot the Borg a lot, and the Borg effortlessly snuff them out.

You see the pattern? All Klingons know how to do is shoot and bully, and you’d think that in the Star Trek reality of the 22-24th centuries, that wouldn’t keep them going too long…

Sometimes I can’t help but start thinking about these things. I don’t think even medication would stop it. 🙂

On a sadder note, condolences to you, Barb. I only met Dan a couple of times, but I really enjoyed his Zetra-stuff. He will be missed!

Just like New York Snow… Downtown Roanoke, Anyway

The Purity Test at says that I am 52% pure. The weird thing is, I don’t know if I’m pleased that it’s that high or disappointed that it’s not lower…

Games with hypertext

Okay, this is me trying to see if I can post a picture in the journal…

Dallas Powers, Halloween 2000

Now I’ll check to see if it works 😉 Next: my MP3 of the “Dr. Zaius” song from the Simpsons LOL

A quiz borrowed from Crysanna’s page…

1. Open up your CD player, what’s inside?

At home: The Hampsterdance Song CD single

At work: Nothing, that job’s being covered by the MP3 player on the computer

2. Look in your VCR/DVD player, is there a movie?

One VCR has last night’s Junkyard Wars, to watch tonight. The other one’s empty. The set-top DVD player is empty, the DVD in the Playstation has the game Time Crisis 2 in it, and the DVD in my Mac is serving as a CD-ROM and has “American McGee’s Alice” in it. Do Rain and I have enough technology?

3. If there happens to be music playing right now, what is it?

The Clash, “Rock the Casbah” – heard it on the radio this morning, and had to get the MP3.

4. What are you wearing?

Dark marbled grey t-shirt and off-white cargo pants.

5. Look down, what’s the first thing that catches your eye?

Well – my keyboard (an answer I suspect is not original)

6. Turn on your TV if it’s not on already, what network is on?

UPN, from last night’s “Enterprise” & “Special Unit 2” – which is why we had to tape “Junkyard Wars”.

7. Look out the window, what’s the weather like?

Clear, bright, and chilly!

8. If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, where would it call?

Magic 104.9 FM – I never did win those Rod Stewart tickets 🙁

9. Say “hello?” out loud, did anyone answer?

Yes, the salesperson behind me, but he thinks I’m weird anyway. On the other hand, he’s almost certainly going to tell me more today about killing Baal and defeating the Secret Cow Level, so who’s he to judge?

10. What are you planning on doing next as soon as you get offline?

Getting back to work – in this case, designing a used car ad.

Cel-e-brate Good Times, C’Mon!!

Rain got her promotion, Rain got her promotion, Rain got her promotion! I foresee more “Houses For Sale” magazines in my future (and I’m not complaining!)…

I hope my costume stuff arrives today, tomorrow at the latest… it’s not any stranger than we’ve seen at VTSFFC Halloween before, but that’s not saying much… well, I’ll get my reviews November 3rd 🙂

Rain got her promotion!

Hello, you are caller…

Number Eight! Arrggh!!

and, later…

Number Eleven! Aaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!!!!

I never even get through, usually… now I get through twice and it’s wrong both times!!!

Me thinks me betta go chill out a bit.

Mood Swingin’

Yesterday, after a day that wasn’t my favorite lately, an incredibly cool thing happened to me. Backstory: over ten years ago, some jerk stole my Canon AE-1 Program camera, probably for his drug habit. Yesterday, Rain shows me my birthday present she’d just bought on eBay. Guess what it is? It even comes with more lenses than I had!

Rain is simply the coolest person I know. I was practically bouncy for the next several hours (a rare condition for me!!)

My work today is trying hard to get my goat, but every time I start getting irritated (and it’s been several times so far today – I have a bad feeling about the day) I just think about getting to play with my camera soon, and I’m smiling again. It should bug the heck out of my co-workers.

Today I loaned Nick one of the copies of the Dirty Pair anime movie that Jerry, Rhaps, Cindy, Beth, Tony and I dubbed all those years ago: “Project: EDEN”. I hope he’ll be kind. 🙂

I wish my work phone had speed-dial. I don’t think I have a shot in Hades of winning those Rod Stewart tickets for Rain (but I will keep trying!!!)

TJ just showed me a photo of the movie-quality Imperial Stormtrooper costume he used to own, and just sold for $900. I always wanted one of those… but not that badly!

Yeah, yeah, I know… back to work.


You would think that, having started this account, that my first thought would be, “What shall I write about?” Instead, it was “What had I better not write about?”

I hate secrets. I’m a very open person (no, really) and my first impluse in conversation is to talk about whatever is on my mind. It’s usually only after I’ve spoken for two or three sentences or so that I think, “Is it really a good idea for me to be discussing this with this person?” or “Gee, (blank) told me I shouldn’t mention this to anyone quite yet…” and I immediately have to do disaster recovery.

Over the years, I’ve tended to close up a lot, because it was the safest way to avoid those little slip-ups. The problem is, that this turns around and bites me by making me a little stand-offish to the people I know who care and who I can safely relax around.

One of my biggest challenges in my marriage has been to not shut out my loving wife. Intellectually, I know that I can trust her with anything. She has proved that to me time and time again. However, because she is everything to me, I am at my most vulnerable to her. The instinct to protect myself from that, while unnecessary and often hurtful to her, is hard to override. I think I have improved in this area since we’ve been together, but I know I still have a way to go.

I don’t need to have any secrets from Rain. One day, I may learn that there aren’t that many secrets I need to have from anybody.

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