Forward to the Frontier

Since I was four years old, I have maintained an irrational belief in a color-blind human future where we tore around the universe in shiny white FTL spaceships.

I can’t foresee whether, in the long run, history will consider this man a competent president. But I do know that tonight, my species has just taken another tiny symbolic step toward that future where there’s only one human race. And yeah, I’m getting a little verklempt about it.

Good night, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Brief updates

  • 09:38 Was not expecting polling line to be so long. Pleased to see it, but means I will have to go back again after work. Poor time management. #
  • 17:06 Morning wait to vote: 60-90 minutes, impractical. Afternoon wait: 2 minutes, no worries. #
  • 21:17 I cannot believe I’ve got CNN on the TV for the first time in years. #

Sent subspace radio by LoudTwitter

Arcadia 990, please respond

I’ve been away from any real Internet contact for three days. It was kind of like being stranded on a desert island, except with three or four other flesh-and-blood people for company. Anything awesome happen?

My access might be spotty this week, too, as I have to get home Internet moved to the new digs.

At my door there came a tapping

Happy Halloween – the one day of the year I’m expected to dress funny.

In honor of the season, here’s an audio recording of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven“, read by Starr, myself, and other LJ friends and associates of lemonlye. (5MB mp3 file). You can see the list of participants and the lines they read in this LJ post.

I wore my “Enterprise”-era Starfleet uniform to work today – it’s gone over pretty well. What’s everyone else wearing today or tonight?

Protected: A round of screwups, on the house

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Change in Status

I think it’s best to just be blunt, here: as of this month, Rain and I are legally divorced. We moved on from the relationship sometime ago, but the Virginia legal system (specifically, the law firm we were paying to handle this) was in no hurry whatsoever to recognize the situation.

Rain’s doing pretty good right now with her work, and what I know of her personal life seems smooth too. I hope the future goes very very well for her.

Brief updates

  • 08:29 Having the sort of day where the Armageddon asteroid sounds like a fine idea. Sorry, other 7 billion people on thje planet, but I’m grumpy. #
  • 11:57 Don’t know what’s up with my brain chemistry this week, but that insane “Yatta” song just cheered me up a tiny bit. Eeek. #

Sent subspace radio by LoudTwitter

Brief updates

  • 10:30 Amused that Facebook thinks I may know random people that also work for NASA, somewhere. #
  • 10:57 Lots of Wachovia phishing spam in the last 48 hours. No click from me, impaired-grammar scammer. #
  • 11:44 I *heart* for all the masquerades I don’t get to attend! #

Sent subspace radio by LoudTwitter

Fools! I’ll Destroy You All!

Mad Scientist University: Apples to Apples meets Mad Science.

I think I need this game. Apples to Apples is a proven, repeated winner at any party I’ve seen it appear, and the additional mad science elements seal the deal. Games like these are absolutely perfect for most of the groups I’m in: minimal setup, simple rules, and more focus on playing the game entertainingly than actually winning.

Won’t be buying it before Xmas, but I may put it on my Xmas list 🙂

Movin’ Right Along

Still in the midst of moving. We want to be out of here by the second weekend in November, and this time there will be much less last-minute work. Already, bankers’ boxes full of gaming material, paperbacks, and videotapes have made the journey to the new digs. Most of the living-room furniture has been moved or Freecycled, and it’s a bit bare and echoey in here: mildly unsettling. Meanwhile, we’ve been folding boxes, packing boxes, and toting boxes. Fold and pack and tote. My hip’s fine, but my back is a freakin’ landscape of pain, and I haven’t even matched the amount of labor Starr’s put in while I was at work.

Her parents are leaving the area for the next year or two due to military commitments. They want to hang on to their property, though: a nice 4-bedroom, two-story house with a garage and pool in a nice neighborhood of southeast Chesapeake. So, they asked if Starr and I would be willing to rent the place from them, at less than half what we’re paying for the apartment.

Neither one of us really had to think long about it, especially as we’ll be allowed to treat the place as though it were ours (within reason). Unfortunately, some of the rent savings will be eaten by the gas for the additional commute: another 20 minutes added to the 40-45 minute trip I have now. Sigh. Starr’s got the same problem. But nevertheless, we’re moving, and I have to say I’m looking forward to it. Or rather, I’m looking forward to the move being complete.


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