No NekoCon For Me
Once again, I cancelled my hotel room like a responsible person since we can’t really afford this con; it’s too big for Maya’s comfort anyway; and geez, cancer.
I have to be honest, though: this is beginning to get on my nerves. 75% of the cons I used to love are off the table right now, and aside from being personally fun and relaxing to me, I miss my friends at them. If I have to attend next year without Maya, that will suck rocks, but at least I’ll see my friends. If our finances don’t shape up, though – and with Maya’s cancer bills, they probably won’t soon – then I get to sit at home. Doing chores all weekend because there are always chores to do. Yay.
Sensor Readings Becoming Clearer
Maya underwent surgery today, with Bert and me at her side. They put in a chemotherapy port and took a large biopsy. We still don’t have all the details, but it’s definitely Hodgkin’s. some where between stage 2 and 4. This is kinda the difference between “probably okay” and “gonna die”, so we are hoping for more details soon.
It took them forever to get her into surgery, but the actual procedure went so fast that Bert and I barely had time for a quick cafeteria meal while waiting. They sent her home within an hour or two, and she was up and around before the evening was over. Modern technology, wow. She’s pretty sensitive about the scars. Boy, that’s something I can relate to.
Again, if you read this, this isn’t widely-disseminated information yet. Please keep it to yourself until we make a public announcement.
Also: shit.
Managlitch City Episode 33a: CreedCast #2
This one was a lot of fun. Between writing the first and second CreedCasts I discovered exactly where Sandrel and Grodan come from, and why they are important to the past and future of Managlitch City. Please survive and flourish!
The Underground’s feed is once again interrupted for the opinions and observations of Sandrel Creed – but ze is interrupted by yet another voice from zir own past. Also, “Bloodmoon Fury.” Please survive and flourish! •???£ª¶¡
It’s Come For Us Again
Maya has cancer. If you are one of the few people who read this blog, please don’t say anything to anyone else. This is just for me.
It’s probably Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We’ll know more on Thursday,
Mercy’s Hollywood Highlight
Okay, okay, I picked Mercy. 😀 Finally giving a proper tryout to the skin Templeton gifted me when I was sick. Got some good healing done and scored a few kills with the backup pistol. I think she may become a secondary.
I Miss My Cat
One year since I found Midori dead in the living room of our apartment. She was stretched out with her eyes open and when I came home from work I thought she was just chilling out. It wasn’t until I called her some time later and got no response that I headed back and found her in the exact same position.
Right then I knew, without further checking, what had happened. Took her body to a vet; Maya canceled weekend plans and drove back down to comfort me. I didn’t want any of the remains; she was gone, and remains meant nothing to me.
That cat was so messed up, but she was my messed-up cat, and we meant a lot to each other. Maya’s cat Willow thinks I’m great, but it isn’t the same. Midori would have turned 11 a few months ago. A good run for a cat. I miss her anyway.
No More Birthdays
Today we would have celebrated the day we observed as Midori-neko’s birthday.
Damn it.
Glitch Awareness
I’ve occasionally thought of running a Managlitch City tabletop role-playing game. I’d probably use the Shadowrun system since it’s already technomagical urban fantasy, and because I know second edition backwards and forwards.
But this afternoon’s inspiration came from the Call of Cthulhu and Paranoia systems: rather than “Essence” (which is super problematic) characters would have two stats named “Glitch Awareness” and “Glitch Resistance”. The first is a skill players could use to detect whether a person or place is glitched (if it’s not obvious) and whether a glitch is pending. The GM would need to limit the number of times per session this skill can be rolled, to keep things from getting tedious.
But the fun part would be “Glitch Resistance”: a stat tracking how likely the character themselves is to glitch or be affected by one nearby. And the player is not allowed to know that stat, other than to suspect it is the inverse of their Glitch Awareness in some way. The more sensitive you are to glitches… well… the more sensitive you are to them.
I can worry about this math if I ever run this, and obviously a player who chooses to start their character glitched will worry less about this. But it’s a nice simulation of the City’s glitcher prejudice without having to just tell the player, “You fear glitchers, now role-play that.”
No Cosplay America For Me
This con is nice and local, so we could commute if we wanted to. But it’s a big enough con, to be a turn-off for Maya and if I’m going to be realistic, we just can’t go.
This really sucks. I’d like to show off Princess Peach, and I still have three new outfits no one’s seen yet. I miss costuming. I don’t know when I’ll hit a convention again but I expect it’s going to be a while.
Not the Best Anniversary
On this day in 2011, I tried quite seriously to kill myself. I was a second or two from succeeding when sense kicked in and I had my friend Jesse take me to a mental hospital, which I left two weeks later, as stable as I was gonna be.
I’m in no real danger any more. Haven’t been since that day. But the horrible side of my brain tries to talk me back into the idea whenever I’m stressed, which is pretty often. I’ve tried various drugs to calm myself and shut that thing up, but they’ve never really worked, and I still have to listen to the self-destructive asshole. It gets old.
Either way, I’m still here, which I’m thinking is a victory.