Protected: I cast “Cone of Silence”. Wait, that’s from “Get Smart”.

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Dream A Dream

“What are your dreams?” I was asked. I couldn’t answer – I wasn’t sure.

I’ve been spending a lot of years focused on making it to the next day. If I thought extremely far ahead, I made plans for two weeks away. I’m not saying it was a daily struggle for food and shelter – I’ve been fairly comfortable the whole time. My dreams got little thought, though. I was busy.

What have my dreams been in the past?

– I wanted to be a starship crewman. (Well, I’m working for NASA. Not bad.)

– I wanted to be an experimental particle physicist. (Less interesting to me now as a career, plus I’d need to devote something like 15 years to catch up to that horse.)

– I wanted to be a well-known movie and TV actor. (I’m having plenty of fun, and eating better, doing that as an occasional hobby.)

– I wanted to be an airplane pilot. (After my trip up two Novembers ago, I’ve decided to go after my license as soon as my slowly-increasing savings will support that.)

– I wanted to be a well-known novelist. (Still not impossible, though I’ve done pathetically little toward that dream in the last years.)

There are one or two others, but those are the oldest ones. The next question is, what are my dreams for the future? It looks like some of those carry over, but I ask myself now not only what I want to be, but what do I want to do? (A clearly related matter.)

Worth some introspection.

Tweets for Today

  • 08:32 New pantz fit well. Thank goodness. #
  • 10:36 We’re back to being busy again here on the base. I’m strangely relieved. #
  • 11:28 I’ve just realized that my opinion on fictional ‘canon’ has completely changed since I was a teenage fan. #
  • 12:31 Flurries! #
  • 21:33 Someone today tried to insist that there were a billion people in Times Square on NYE. I smiled politely and moved on. #

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Canon gets in the way

Star Trek fans know that, no matter how much time we spend patching the holes with our beer-and-pretzels skull sessions, that the stories of our beloved characters don’t always match up. This has been a problem since the 1970s, when authorized novels were published that flatly contradicted each other. This wouldn’t have been a problem if some of them hadn’t been quite good.

Eventually, Authorities were appointed to patch some of the holes by releasing official documentation; but sooner or later, an Authority would banish a beloved tale to the dustbin. This would happen, the fans would solemnly acknowledge the proclamation, then accept or ignore it as desired in their own private versions.

As time passed, new Authorities would come from the ranks of the fen. New screened, televised, and printed stories would appear, and the new Authorities would take the opportunity to work their own patches in, or negate older ones of which they disapproved. And the fen would take what they liked, and ignore what they didn’t, and spend more beer-and-pretzels evenings arguing uselessly if entertainingly about the merits of individual patches.

Eventually, as any specific fan grew old enough they’d be more likely to decide that a good story is a good story, and if they don’t all match up, well, in some ways that’s even more fun. (See the works of Douglas Adams for a shining example.) And that may be because they have realized that, if you don’t worry about canon too much, you get more stories. And if only 10% (or less) of the stories out there are any good, we’re going to need a lot of them to get our fix.

So, authors, get back to writing that fanfic! There’s a tiny chance that one day, you might be in the position of writing an Authorized sequel… and at least when the day comes, perhaps your experience will give you something interesting to say, and practice dealing with the flame wars to follow 🙂

Tweets for Today

  • 14:30 Looks like nearly everyone here on base who could, took the day off today. I am not complaining. #

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Late Thoughts on a Passing Solstice

The first time I hear “Christmas Eve – Sarajevo 12/24” every year, my calm, measured exterior cracks and emotion pours out of me. I know I ought to specify which emotion, but it’s actually hard to decipher which one.

I have always liked “The Carol of the Bells,” and this specific version speaks to me of the ability of beauty and hope to survive even the most awful of circumstances. The music here is determined, defiant, even angry, as if facing entropy squarely and shouting “You Cannot Pass!”

For much of my life, I’ve been short on hope, and kept myself going on basic stubbornness. I’ve come to realize that the two have more in common than I thought, and that they’re both ways of standing up and saying to a rough universe, “I’m going to make my part of the world a better place… even knowing that you’ll probably make it difficult. I don’t care.”

Fine sentiment, in my book.

We’ve made it through the dark days again, and light and warmth are once more on their way. Happy Holidays, everyone!

Protected: Your powers are weak, old man

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Tweets for Today

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Games under the tree

Definitely a traditional Christmas for me… History and Science channels on the tube, wrapping presents for others while being unable to wait to unwrap ours 🙂

My Munchkin collection is looking healthier! Starr gave me Munchkin Impossible and Munchkin Cthulhu I & II… now we have to invite someone over to play them with us. 2-handed Munchkin is much less fun.

Back in my Decipher days, Justin taught me how to play Carcassonne, and I’ve been wanting a copy for the years since. Never managed to pick it up, but I knew it was fun to play, so I picked up a set as a Christmas present for raininva when I heard she was gaming again. Well, guess what other game I got yesterday 🙂 Already broken it in, too. Fun!

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 85 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Take the Sci-Fi Movie Quizdigital camera ratings

I had a little trouble with some of the older movies I haven’t seen yet…

Relocating the center

This is the first Saturday in weeks, if not months, where I could sleep in, Starr didn’t have to go to work, and we have no obligations at all today, social or chore-based.

I have really needed this. It won’t even last the weekend, but that’s okay. Thank you, universe, for this early Xmas present.

(Also, the days will be getting longer again starting today. I needed that really badly too!)

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