Icon for somewhat lame meme

Funny thing is, I do have lots to talk about. Bad news is that I’m far too busy helping our new roommate move in to actually sit and write much of a post.

I did have time the other day to throw this together in Photoshop, but I’m thinking that it’s really not funny enough to use as one of my icons.

Snape on a Plane

The image of an extremely large boa constrictor wrapped around Starscream just didn’t work as an LJ icon, either.

tzel’s looking a little blue

Sometime this week, I must enter the World of Warcraft and seek Telf.

One of the many podcasts I’ve been listening to is an hour of house music from a French website at www.rlpmix.com (actually from iTunes, but anyway). Two amusing things; the Starfleeters in western Virginia used to know a guy with the initials RLP, and it’s fun to think of him surfacing as a French DJ; also, when he reads his website on the audio, he pronounces it “DOO-bleh-vay DOO-bleh-vay DOO-bleh-vay dot r-l-p-mix dot com.” “W” and “J” – the two awkward late-comers to the Roman alphabet.

I do think that “web.domain.com” would have been much easier to say in daily discussions than “www.domain.com”. Too late now.

Anime Geek Foolishness

Every time the radio mentions that Fiona Apple will soon be performing here, I worry that she’ll go Rampant and try to steal the SDF-1 from its reconstruction dock in Norfolk Harbor.

Please state the nature of the medical emergency

Friday morning’s “gas pain” turned out to be diverticulitis (does involve the lower G.I., so the Wikipedia link may squick some folks). After a day of agony, I ended up in the ER until 4 a.m. where the doctor was thankfully able to diagnose me immediately. I’m on antibiotics for the next few weeks, and I have to give up peanuts only months after finally learning to like them.

My system’s still a bit rattled from the fever and pain. I’d rather stay home another day or seven, but duty calls.

Bringing new meaning to the term “press gang”

Friday at work, we had “Dress Like a Pirate Day” in an attempt to do “Talk Like a Pirate Day” one better.

The whole gallery of pictures is behind the link. It was a lot of fun… we certainly flummoxed the shop owner for a few moments.

My co-workers were amazed to learn that I can throw together a passable pirate outfit from my closets with 30-minutes notice. Thank you SF and fantasy fandom 🙂

(Oh, and I did finally find some Harlock desktops to throw onto the screens of the two stations I use.)


Tomorrow is Dress Like A Pirate Day at work, in late celebration of the new Disney movie.

I was intending to let my computer be part of the theme, until I found out what an incredible scarcity of Captain Harlock wallpaper / desktops exists on the web.


Radio over Wires

I’m very addicted to podcasts now: working through the backlog of the cool ones I’ve found is really helping me get through my work day.

It’s all the fault of the Fragile Gravity podcast at http://unseenllc.com/feed/glidepath.xml – of course I’d want to hear what kittykatya and impink were up to.

Then, as I realized that one show per week or so wasn’t going to feed my addiction properly, I stumbled upon World of Warcast – a fun, casual hour of lvl 40s and 50s talking and goofing off about Blizzard’s little life-sucker.

A link from an astronomy website drew me to Slacker Astronomy, where you don’t have to be a hardcore space geek, but you do have to have a goofy sense of humor.

And now, well, I’m hooked. The iTunes music store offers hundreds of free podcasts, ranging from language lessons in Japanese to video podcasts of French Maids explaining XML coding. You don’t have to have iTunes or even an MP3 player – there’s lots of software which’ll let you subscribe and listen from your desktop machine.

So that’s the morning post; I need to finish loading Steve Jackson Games’ new Fnordcast onto the iPod and leave for work…

You think Spock had problems?

A few people who have seen “Superman Returns” have wondered in my presence about a certain plot point from the movie. I don’t want to say too much more about this plot point, for it could be considered a bit of a spoiler, but here is an article by a Famous Science Fiction Writer on the subject.

(The article doesn’t help, but is kinda funny anyway.)

EDIT: Okay, two comments here have suggested that it is a BIG spoiler. So, really. Don’t click the link unless you have seen the movie or don’t care about spoilers.

Neo, check the dictionary under “gullible”

What if, in fact, the Matrix really was the “real world” and that the world of Zion and the tunnels was a computer simulation designed by Morpheus and his cronies to produce bands of duped, highly-trained international terrorists?

Ehh, maybe not.

Game designer robin-d-laws is running a play-by-poll RPG in his journal where the reader is cast as an inmate of a psychiatric ward who’s the only person able to fight the demonic “operators” that his “angels” have warned him of. The beauty of his storyline is that, after 30 installments, I’m still not sure if the “operators” are real, or figments of the character’s psychosis. I’m not even sure if I’ll get to find out. Gripping stuff 🙂

Dinged lvl 52 with my gnome mage last night. I can finally see the endgame from here. Ironically enough, I’ve soloed almost the whole time (a little less so recently), and the endgame is all about 5-40 member parties. I’m not really sure I’ll be much use, or have much fun in that part; I may just go back to leveling some of my alts, and wait for the expansion. Or I might find out that I have untapped potential as a Raid Master. We’ll see.

And then I built another Death Star… it also exploded.

Really, I try to restrain myself from linking to YouTube stuff very often, especially when I don’t have much more content for the post.

But this one, I couldn’t resist: a lightsaber battle in an English forest, long ago…

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