Somebody call Lunch Rescue

Last night, for no clear reason, my energy levels just evaporated. I had plenty of food, caffeine, and good company… but suddenly I just wanted to lie there, watch TV, and then go to bed. This morning was the same… I had to drag myself from bed to shower to desk. I only now feel like my head is clearing and my body is beginning to function again.

The main fallout from this is that my lunch for today is still sitting at home, neatly packed on top of the kitchen pantry.


I did get to watch our recorded copy of Thunderbirds over the holidays. Frankly, I expected it to be remarkably lame, but it wasn’t bad. There were some minor issues, but the production design was great – when the kids were climbing over the auxiliary craft, the vehicles all looked like Gerry Anderson models blown up to life-size – and the actress playing Lady Penelope understood that she was supposed to have fun with the role. I’d pick up the DVD eventually, even if the hardware didn’t get enough screen time.

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Pulling the starter cord of my brain

I have lots of email to write, but the brain doesn’t work well before 9am. (Who am I kidding? If it ever works well at all, it certainly isn’t before noon.) So I am journalling instead.

I had no idea that Diane Duane wrote episodes of Transformers and Batman: TAS. This awards her bonus cool points.

nviiibrown linked The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny before I got around to it, but I’m doing so anyway ’cause I was gonna and ’cause the line about “Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan” is stuck in my head and will not come out.

Foo. It looks like this is as coherent as I’m gonna get for the moment.

Welcome 2006

Been away for a while, again. December was a rough month for me; one of the high points was the sinus infection that kept me feverish, nauseated, and flat on my back for all of Christmas weekend. On the other hand, raininva trumped her Valentine’s Day gift to me with an even more geeky present: a 30GB iPod video. Dang, but that thing is small. It’s full of anime and British SF right now, but even with video-on-the-go I never have time to watch anything right now.

Back in April, I barely resisted a rant about SF fans and reviewers. However, this review of the “Starship Troopers” novel pushed the rant to the surface again.

Rant follows…

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Catching up

Operation “Will You Shut Up That Bloody Computer Fan” is a success, thanks to $25 spent at CompUSA. A little bit of the daily tension of my life has leaked away.

Thanks much to rhaps and shrewlet for hosting us this weekend. Turkey Day dinner was tasty and excellent, and my b-day present’s going to get a lot of use! Sorry I was a little foggy and dull by the end of the holiday, but massive doses of antihistamine will do that to you.

vond and kittenchan, thank you so for inviting us to your wedding. It was lovely, and quite entertaining to see so much of SWVA Fandom in suits, ties, and formal dresses! vt_andros even captured Rain and myself in all our finery, so I had proof! The list of folks we got to see again would fill a Friends page, but it was a wonderful reason to do so.

Finally, since I’ve been sitting on it for weeks, here’s my results for rainbowsaber‘s Which TFC Character quiz… cut to be polite


I hadn’t realized until someone pointed out today that the actor playing Barty Crouch, Jr. in Goblet of Fire is the same person playing the Tenth Doctor in the 2006 Doctor Who series. But then, I can really be bad with faces sometimes.

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12-hour shift last night, the last 3 hours of which were performed in ‘panic mode’. Errrrgh. If I’m 5 or 10 minutes late this morning, somehow I won’t feel too guilty.

Here’s a movie for you – Rendezvous. 140 mph though the streets of 1978 Paris with no permits or permission, and an early gyro-stabilized camera mounted on the hood.

Aaand, I get to be an Archangel.

I succumbed to this meme because I find word origins interesting.

Click the following url and type in your name:


Michael : “Like the Lord” : Hebrew

Creative, versatile and imaginative you appreciate beauty in all forms. You have great inner strength and courage and have the ability to accept large responsibilities or challenging situations with patience and humility. Others admire these qualities and follow your lead. You are honest, discerning and self-disciplined and need to have a peaceful environment. Putting others before self your talents are used to make life better for everyone.


“Self-disciplined?” Uh-huh. Sure. I have about as much discipline as a kindergarten class with an absent teacher. Ah, well.

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