I already knew she wasn’t dead

Congratualtions kittykatya on another year of succefully converting oxygen to carbon dioxide! Long may it continue!

Phase One complete

Yes, Virginia, you can fit a futon, mattress and all, in a Hyundai Elantra.

Spent my first night in the new house. The room I’ve slept in for the past three months had crappy A/C, but this morning I woke up a bit chilly – raininva will be pleased. Glad I found my bathrobe in the move. This week I start unpacking what I have with me of my office, which is little more than a mess of boxes at the moment. The commute is easier (it seems so far) than the previous commute, which is nice. I have to find out why the smoke alarm emits random stifled beeps all day, but last night I was far too tired to notice.

Had the sense to take some ibuprofen before bed, so didn’t wake up too sore.

So, it seems a Mac shareware developer released an app which, if you enter a pirated serial number, erases your Home directory – your system and applications survive, but every personal document, music file, movie, e-mail, website, password, etc. is GONE. So, is this just desserts for pirates, or equivalent to burning someone’s house down for punching you in the nose? Discuss.

Tote That Crate!

Mayhem Associates (Little Creek Station) Status Report:

Electrical Systems: Online
Cooling Apparatus: Active
Life Support (Liquids): Intake & Outflow Nominal
Video Display: Ready
Data Transfer: Functional
Voice Transmission: Offline, expected within 24 hours

I just need to make about two more trips, and Phase One of the move will be complete. Funny how the new place didn’t really seem like it was ‘ours’ until I could use the bathroom and run the AC 🙂

Another not dead guy

Congratualtions on continuing to put oxygen to good use for another year, jdunson!

Cargo Transfer

Moved more boxes last night – woke up quite sore! I cannot wait until electric power is back on at the new place and I can turn on the air-conditioning! It’s 90-100 degrees in that house, even after sunset. Naturally, I’ll be finishing the move from my single room before I get power back – so all my toting must be done in the heat, and preferably before dark. On the other hand, at least any folk who help us on the big move from the Salem apartment will have air-conditioning to enjoy.

It’s been weird enough living in a rented room with 2-3 roommates I rarely see. For a couple weeks, I’ll be living completely alone in a 3-bedroom house. I expect I’ll be playing lots of music to add some life to the place. Actually, for the second of those two weeks I’ll have the kitty with me – that will help.

Tonight I hope to catch up with Tom. I need to burn a CD of MPEGs for him.

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Further reading from The Book Of Muffin

Try me! I’m Chocolate Chip

Or at least, I would be if I was a muffin. *grin* People who match chocolate chip muffins are modern and fast-paced, if a bit generic. We’re usually go-getters that like flashy new things and socializing. Just don’t try eating us before we’ve baked; raw eggs and baker’s chocolate are a bad mix. *wink*

Take the Muffin Quiz to find out your variety. Quiz created by LJ user Seeking_Insight.

Remember, Muffin is the path to Illumination. No Hot Dog Buns!

It’s a… uhh… bunker! Yeah!

All the Battletech players, Clix players, Warhammer 40K players, and modelers on my friends list need to read today’s Dork Tower.

(hmm… that’s a big chunk of my friends list, isn’t it…)

The House Of Borg

raininva left to head back home a few hours ago. She got to leave work early Friday, so managed to arrive here in time to see the new house in the light. Turns out I picked out a place she approves of, so that’s one less worry for me. Rain’s already posted pictures she took Friday, and we’re planing where to put stuff – at least we know we’ll have room for all our junk. I hope we can start having people over more often now that we have more room.

The weekend felt good, like we squeezed a lot of quality time into 48 hours or so – and this time, I’ll see her again in less than a week, so the missing her is a little more tolerable this time out. It was fun talking about all the plans we are making, and guessing about what’s to come in the future. The one sour note was the 45-minute wait for lunch at the new Red Robin down here – but the management was very apologetic, and comped our food. Our waitress was polite, but a bit spacy, and I’m not sure English was her primary language; apparently, the kitchen staff was completely out of it. Guess they still have bugs in the system to deal with.

I get to spend the week carrying stuff over to the house a few boxes at a time, trying to sort out what I can do without for a week. (The computer, for example, will be one of the last things moved *grin*.) If anyone would like the new address, e-mail me (that isn’t changing) and I’ll pass it along. Same with the phone # once I have one!

“mephox, evasive starboard!”

Starship crew meme behind the cut

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