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And he looks *dang* good for 68, too

Halloween’s a holiday dedicated to things that aren’t what they seem, so it’s a bit appropriate that George Takei is choosing it to come publically out of the closet.

Good for him! I can’t help thinking that some of the people involved with RoVaCon way back when would have been less excited about inviting him had they known… but that’s far in the past now.

I haven’t decided yet what to wear to Mandy & Krys’ party tomorrow night. I do wish VTSFFC Halloween wasn’t 5 hours away. I also wish Rain didn’t work Saturdays and Sundays, making a 2- or 3am Rocky Horror evening this weekend a bit impractical.

In good news, Rain welcomed me home last night to a spotless living room lit by candles, served me an excellent dinner, and snuggled down with me for a romantic evening of TiVo’d MythBusters. (Hey, mad science is too romantic.) It was a good way to wrap up the day.

3:00 Panel on Tail- and Ear-binding

Oh, I forgot to mention today’s Narbonic webcomic, in which Arnie the superintelligent gerbil has been accidentally locked in a human form, at least for now. Apparently, some of his other hyperintelligent lab animal friends on the Internet don’t believe him, and are accusing him of being a “thumbie”. No doubt there are thumbie-themed cons, animals who construct bareskinsuits, and thumbie porn 🙂

I think “Kevin and Kell” did that joke once too. Still funny, though.

Today’s Dumb Thing To Say:
Radio Announcer 1: The crows are huge around here!
Radio Announcer 2: They’re like chickens!
Radio Announcer 1: Yeah, well I’d like to see a crow lay an egg!

Today’s Dumb Thing To Do:
After tracing a cryptic 911 call, police found a woman naked, bound, and gagged in the back of a car. When untied, the woman asked, “What are you guys doing here?” Apparently this was a bit of kinky role-playing, and the boyfriend thought it would add spice to actually call the police. The VHF amplifier had no comment. (No, sorry, I made that last sentence up.)

This Morning’s Good Thing:
Despite attempts by a Blacksburg landlord to claim that the hosting computer for is actually an international terrorist, elfie is back on-line, and I am once again in e-mail contact with the world. Also, LiveJournal seems to be working again, and I will be very careful with my posting client until I can verify that it’s not the one flooding the network.

Last Night’s Bad Thing:
I spent late last evening and most of overnight blackly depressed. I’ve come out the other side now, but memo to myself: Don’t watch ER when you are feeling that way.

Tonight’s Possibly Good, Possibly Bad Thing:
SheVaCon starts tonight.

Tomorrow Night’s Good Thing:
raininva‘s 3000 point, house rules, massive MechWarrior:DA slugfest.

The Few, The Proud, The Odd

Found this while looking up some furry info:

Furry fan to web columnist: I’m offended by how you bid for cheap laughs by portraying furries as sexual deviants in your previous column. Some of us just suit up and role-play for the experience of being a fur!

Web columnist to furry fan: Chill out. The Trekkies learned to accept being made fun of years ago, you’ll have to also. Besides, wearing a fursuit for the purposes of kinky sex makes more sense to me than wearing one for any other reason…

Why am I referring to this? It’s beginning to seem to me that openly, honestly weird folk seem to get a lot more back-handed respect than the timidly weird, the “weird only on weekends”, the “weird as a form of social protest” types. When one’s cheerfully, openly different, yet basically functional in society, they’ll still be made fun of, but there’ll be an undertone of sneaking admiration for someone brave enough to take a different path and make it work.

On the other hand, the posers, the people who only act different ’cause they’re not getting enough attention, the ones who need to constantly defend their differences to people who really don’t care, seem to draw more honest scorn.


Continuing my thoughts from yesterday…

An unscientific poll seems to indicate that, not only are geeks having more sex, it’s often pretty kinky. I guess that’s not a great surprise when you combine the sterotypical geek willingness to embrace new ideas and desire to avoid conformity. (Or sometimes beat conformity over the head with a baseball bat.)

Kinky is, of course, a relative term, but since the only part of sex necessary for the species’ survival is the act itself, I find it interesting that our brains are wired in such a way as to make all these variations so enticing. I gues that, in the long run, it encourages even more sex, which is what our DNA wants from us. I can just hear the Great Designers now…

“We’ve come up with this great advantage, better even than claws or wings. We call it ‘intelligence’, and with it, this species should be running the planet soon.”

“What’s the downside?”

“Well, now they’ll have things to do besides eating, sleeping, and making copies of themselves; it might slow the program down a bit.”

“All right… you can try this ‘intelligence’ thing… but make sure you tweak their circuitry so they’re still fixated on food, sleep, and sex. Otherwise we’ll never get this project done.”

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