“Your tail-light’s out, and, ah, you have no knees.”

Actually, it’s my headlight. I meant to get that taken care of last night, but I ran out of energy. I just don’t get much done in the evenings now – they’re so short. If I go out with friends, that takes care of the evening in one swoop, I go home and go to bed. And I really am having knee problems, I have been all week. Every time I go up a set of stairs is a bit painful, I don’t know what I did to myself but I’m ready for it to go away.

I miss getting home at 2 and 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Of course, I don’t miss staying at work until midnight, which is what gave me the early days the rest of the week, so I guess it all evens out.

It’s raining this morning, as it is over most of the mid-Atlantic states. I like it when it rains. Either a clear, sunny, warm, not too humid day, or a nice steady rain that means business but isn’t sheeting down in an effort to get people to build arks. None of this half-way gloom stuff.

Heading back to Salem tonight for the weekend. Thank goodness for audiobooks.

Another day in the Matrix

Deja Fu: The feeling that somehow, somewhere you’ve been kicked in the head like this before.

Technicon 21 report

The element of Technicon that has stayed with me most this morning is the great pain in my legs from dancing too much too quickly Saturday night. Oh, yes… and I think that next time raininva and I go to India Garden, we’re ordering just bland chicken “tanders” and the garlic “naan” (bread). Our stomachs aren’t international enough for much else.

Details of the con

Hiding sharp objects from myself

There is a mission in the Terran levels of single-player Starcraft that I have been trying to beat for over a year, since we bought the game. I haven’t played a single Zerg or Protoss mission because this level has kept me from finishing the Terran campaign.

Tonight I beat it.

… and then the game locked up before I could save.

Early Wednesday afternoon

It is 60 degrees outside… and I am stuck inside. There’s got to be something work-related I can do outside… maybe the newspaper racks all need painting, or something.

Here’s a belated welcome to our little LJ community for rhaps and shrewlet. Now they’ll discover we have an entirely new way to pester them.

Yesterday, I did 21 hours’ worth of work in 13 hours. My head hurts, and my stomach’s upset, but I’m so happy it’s over and that the sun’s shining that I don’t really care.

raininva got me the cutest set of Lego Star Wars models last night – 4 small packs of two models each, each one about 2 inches long, of various vehicles from the 5 movies. I put together the mini X-Wing last night… and if you have all four, you can make the mini TIE Bomber model. I’m happy 😉

Thoughts on a Tuesday morn

My head killeth me. I’ve had a cough for days, and though all the other symptoms of my New Year’s cold are gone, the nagging cough burns in my chest and sets my skull pounding. Concentration today is an interesting challenge.

I think vond and kittenchan should come back to the USA, but that has nothing to do with what’s good for them; I just like having them around 🙂

I’m beginning to understand the attachment Amiga users have to their unsupported, out-of-date machines. I was given an old unused Apple Newton for Xmas, and I’ve become quite fond of it. Not only do I finally have a digital address and date book, but the other day I passed an afternoon with it reading Jules Verne’s “From the Earth to the Moon”, writing a journal entry or two, and playing a version of the old mainframe Star Trek game. Sure, it doesn’t slide invisibly into my hip pocket, but I don’t lose it at the bottom of a bookbag either 🙂

raininva has done an incredible job with the apartment this last week, the living room is unrecognizably nice. We’ve already got two discrete gaming areas worked out. Looks like we’ll be up and running this Friday night – MechWarrior for sure, possibly Settlers of Catan, Chez Geek, Illuminati, or selected PlayStation 2 games as well. If you’d like to come by, we’d love to see you – drop us a note so we’ll be able to estimate a number of warm bodies.

And a special thank you to healerkou – this week, you did something that made me a little happier about a personal project. Too bad I can’t ask you to sign up, but it’s a bit of a drive from your digs to southwest Virginia. BTW, is the last syllable of your screenname pronounced “coo” or “kau”?

Tuesday is, of course, production day here at the paper. The last weeks have been rough, as the salespeople have seriously overloaded the production staff with full-page full-color spec ads for accounts they probably won’t be able to land; incorrect runsheets giving us faulty information about the existence, size, and placement of ads; and major changes made at the last minute, after the last minute, the day after the last minute, and “you understand that the printer is printing these pages now” after the last minute.

None of this is unusual in the printing industry, of course, but the last weeks have been unusually ridiculous. My stress levels were so bad last week, that I had stomach pain for the next three days. So, last Wednesday I went to my boss and explained to him that: a) I was no longer working more than 13.5 hours straight on Tuesdays, and that b) I was no longer going to kill myself compensating for the careless work of others. I had more of a leg to stand on with “b” than one might expect; I’m the only one here who knows what’s really going on and how to fix it when it breaks, so if my work burns me out completely, my boss has a real situation he’ll have to deal with.

I think it was worth it. I’m tired this morning, but I’m not wild-eyed, wired, and shaky, and my stomach hurts only a little. Lunch ought to handle that.

raininva is going to try to score some MechWarrior: Dark Age starter sets today for us to try out tonight. Anyone want to come over and help us try out a new miniatures game?


If I shave with an electric razor, the skin under my jaw stays rough and stubbly, and becomes raw and irritated as well, to the point where I can’t wear a high-collared shirt without going insane.

If I shave with a blade, I get a reasonably smooth surface under there, but one covered with tiny drops of blood where the skin there is apparently just uneven enough to take a dozen tiny nicks every time. I can wear collared shirts, but they better be dark if I don’t want the stains to show.

I despise shaving.


First time we went to the gym, I walked a mile, felt fine, was pretty proud of myself.

Second time (today), I walked two miles to prove to myself I could. Now my feet hurt and I’m sore all over. However, the massaging foot bath I bought Rain helped with the first bit, and ibuprofen will knock out the second, so I’m still pretty proud of myself.

Gonna stay at two miles until I’m comfy with it, though. I can’t wait until I can do five comfortably.

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