They just played Madonna’s “Vogue” on the radio, and I had a flashback to a VTSFFC party where we all tried to Vogue, but we just couldn’t manage it, so we fell back on something we were familiar with. We all started summoning Zords instead.

“Power Ranger Vogueing,” while odd-looking, doesn’t look any odder than actual Vogueing.

Blackmail possibilities?

Blast from the past… while I still haven’t found my photo album (packed away during the last move), I did find some old black-and-white scans of some of the costuming pics. I’ve added them to my Costuming page. Sharp eyes will find lekythen, snidegrrl, yubbie, jdunson, and markush in some of the pics. The last one also has rubinpdf, but you can’t tell ’cause he’s in a silver helmet. “Cyberpunk”, “Cyberman”… close enough, right?


Here is me getting ready to go to Lisa and Vond’s “Leaving for Japan” party.

Here is me remembering that I never got directions or a location. *D’oh!”

Well, I’m going to trust in blind faith and head toward the standard Haloween party locale. If you guys never see me tonight, you’ll know why.

Various things I’ve been meaning to post about…

On reading Lord of the Rings: it’s a long, wordy story. It will take you a long time, and you could easily be pretty confused about lots of stuff the first time you read it. It’s also one of the best pieces of fiction I’ve ever read. See, it was written by a man who loved words – words were both his job and his hobby, so he wrote a lot of them. But the world he created, he spent decades building before LotR was published, and that’s one of the most amazing things in it. By the time period of the books, Middle-Earth has an oral history reaching back tens of thousands of years, and parts of that history are directly responsible for current events. It’s not light reading, but it’s a world one can get fully immersed in.

On my favorite Disney rides: Star Tours, Alien Encounter (way cool), Rockin’ Roller Coaster, Test Track, and The Haunted Mansion (we will make out on that ride someday, Rain!) and those are just the first five. Disgustingly, that place is just as much fun as all their propaganda says it is. 🙂

I still don’t know what “oekaki” is.

Everyone still freaks out when they see my beardless face for the first time, but I ought to have enough chin shadow by Rising Star to be respectable. Rain insists she was unaware she’d married a 17-year-old. I have to admit something, I got a little nervous about that costume being a bit “over the top” on the drive over to the party, but I got pretty good reactions from everyone. I should stop worrying so much.

As I am a card-carrying lemming, (“Let’s go!!”), here’s my job test:

# 1 Chef
# 2 Teacher
# 3 Artist
# 4 Author
# 5 Graphic Designer
# 6 Mathemetician
# 7 Park Ranger
# 8 Salesperson
# 9 Web Designer
# 10 Computer Game Programmer
# 11 Movie Star
# 12 Rock Star
# 13 Astronaut
# 14 Chemist
# 15 Doctor
# 16 Engineer
# 17 FBI Agent
# 18 Geneticist
# 19 Inventor
# 20 Lawyer
# 21 Politician
# 22 Professional Sports Player
# 23 Researcher
# 24 Police Officer
# 25 Reporter

… I think “Iron Filk” is as close as I want to get to chef, and I’d never be a salesperson, but the list is interesting nonetheless.

Biography trivia answers to be posted soon!

I’m running behind – so you know everything’s normal

There’s a lot of posting I have to do, I have to post the answers to my quiz, and I’m thinking of answering the alphabet quiz too. Maybe I’ll post Lisa’s pics of my Halloween costume – and maybe I won’t LOL.

Until then, here’s the secret code for Rain: five – eight – six – dot – two – eight.

Hey Mary, tell f42 it was great to meet them all! 🙂

Games with hypertext

Okay, this is me trying to see if I can post a picture in the journal…

Dallas Powers, Halloween 2000

Now I’ll check to see if it works 😉 Next: my MP3 of the “Dr. Zaius” song from the Simpsons LOL

Cel-e-brate Good Times, C’Mon!!

Rain got her promotion, Rain got her promotion, Rain got her promotion! I foresee more “Houses For Sale” magazines in my future (and I’m not complaining!)…

I hope my costume stuff arrives today, tomorrow at the latest… it’s not any stranger than we’ve seen at VTSFFC Halloween before, but that’s not saying much… well, I’ll get my reviews November 3rd 🙂

Rain got her promotion!

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