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An expensive morning

Mister Jobs just announced at Macworld NY that Mac OS X 10.2 – “Jaguar” is official, and will be released to the public August 24.

My problem: It will cost $129.

New GeForce or Radeon video card to take advantage of Jaguar’s high-speed graphics rendering will cost $130 – $150… less if I let the eBay mistress raininva find me a good deal.

I’m not even going to talk about the cost of the announced 1 GHz processor upgrade which would more than double the speed of my current machine.

Understand, I’m not whining – these are all “wish list” items, and I’ll manage fine with what I have until I can get them. But I do sometimes wish I indulged in a less expensive hobby. Assuming there are any.

Addendum (12:25pm) Looks like current 10.1.5 users might be able to upgrade to Jaguar for about $19.95. That improves my mood some. 🙂

Well, that concert I mentioned is Tuesday the 30th in Virginia Beach, so I wouldn’t possibly have been able to go anyway. It figures, ’cause I could easily have won the tickets this morning by identifying the three TV show themes.

I hope my sweetie feels better. raininva was not well last night, and not a lot better this morning. She says she’s going to leave work as soon as she can do so without penalty, which is good. Go home and rest, hun! I love you!

Just another froody Friday

Welcome, Dave (calandra) and Eric (epawtows), to yet another corner of cyberspace claimed by local fandom. Dave caused me a minor LiveJournal crisis this morning… I color code all my friends posts to the user… but I’d already used most of the workable combinations that had black backgrounds. Found another, though.

There’s a rushing sound in my left ear… it pulses in time to my heartbeat, so I have the feeling it’s related to blood flow… it gets worse when I move my head quickly, then subsides… it also gets louder when I’m agitated. I don’t know what it is, but it’s both worrying and annoying me. I should probably get checked for hypertension.

Missed lunch with the lovely raininva today ’cause I wasn’t watching the clock. It does mean I get to leave work earlier, since I’ll eat at my desk, but I hate missing time with her. It’s funny, but we both agree that even when we’re in separate rooms of our apartment, doing our own things, we’re more together than when one of us is there and the other’s off somewhere.

I cannt tyype…

I meant to say that MiB 2 was not as good as the first one.

Also, I’m glad that I’ll finally get to play Voyager: Elite Force holomatch with Rain. Of course, she’ll find her groove in about a game and a half and start kicking my butt, but at least I can spawn a cube’s worth of Borg to help out if it starts getting too humiliating.

So, like, I had a long post almost ready yesterday… but I had to slot a Zip disk to check a reference. I should know better. The Zip driver for OS X crashes the desktop every time (no big deal, the process restarts automatically)… but this time it locked up the whole machine, I had to do a hardware restart. Lost my post, and just wasn’t up to re-typing it.


Figured out the last problem I was having with the special effect for my friend’s wedding video. Rain wants me to change the timing slightly, but that will just be an evening’s work. I’m learning a lot – maybe I can be meiran and raininva‘s special-effects tech when they are famous moviemakers.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein is very hard in single-player. Hey, game designers – some of us don’t play Quake 3 Arena 40 hours a week. The easy setting is supposed to be… easy.

Yes, I enjoyed MiB 2… no, it was as good as the first one.

Got the final “Robotech: Macross” boxed set this weekend, thanks to Rain. It even has the “Robotech: Sentinels” pilot as an extra – a film that made Macross purists howl. Only four more boxed sets to go before I have the whole Robotech series… then I can get the UFO set… then Monty Python’s FC… then Thunderbirds… what do you mean they’re already released ST:TNG third season?

MPEG-2 is going to be very expensive to me, I can see that.

Ooops… my boss’ laptop is throwing a kernel panic… won’t boot off the hard drive or the CD. This oughta be fun…

I am loved

raininva got me a very nice present today!

This is a preview package of the miniatures for the new BattleTech collectible figures game.

'Mech figure

Saldy, they aren’t playable in the actual game, but they are a nice preivew. The paint jobs are good, the figure scale is nice, and I’ve had a chance to mess with the game system, which I think will be even more accessible than the original BattleTech.

I also have a bigger picture of the package and the three miniatures.

Thank you, sweetie!


First time we went to the gym, I walked a mile, felt fine, was pretty proud of myself.

Second time (today), I walked two miles to prove to myself I could. Now my feet hurt and I’m sore all over. However, the massaging foot bath I bought Rain helped with the first bit, and ibuprofen will knock out the second, so I’m still pretty proud of myself.

Gonna stay at two miles until I’m comfy with it, though. I can’t wait until I can do five comfortably.

Notes from a weekend

Rain and I finally joined a gym. I think that the benefits of the place, for me, are 1) an air-conditioned, level track to do laps on and 2) a whirlpool jacuzzis to relax in afterwards. I might look into some of the classes too, but thanks to my Borg parts I need to avoid unnaturally repetitive motion and shocks to my hip. So a lot of the exercise equipment is out, and I probably won’t be doing jump-rope or step aerobics. 🙂 That’s okay; the only things I’m really looking for right now are more stamina for walking / hiking and a smaller waistband.

Went ahead and got “Return to Castle Wolfenstein” this weekend. Pretty game… would probably look better if I had the processor and video card that the game lists as “minimum requirements”. That’s okay, proper frame-rate is for the weak and helpless *grin*

Got a lot done on a “Star Wars” opening for Sean and Leisa’s wedding video this weekend. I think they’ll plotz when they see it. Hopefully, I can finish it tonight so we can get back to the actual editing, though I’ve already captured all the footage to hard drive, so a major chunk is already done. Thank you, meiran, for forcing us to finally get that big HD. 🙂

I always expect my list of digital media (games, CDs, DVDs) I’m saving for to be huge… but this weekend I compiled my list of books I’ve been meaning to get. It’s ugly, over a hundred dollars, and that’s just for the top six books… the posthumous Douglas Adams, an illustrated book on gnomes that I loved as a kid, a book on Cold War espionage equipment, and more. Great Ghu, I love to read.

The earliest appointment I can make to get my car inspected is Wednesday at 4:00 pm. The good news is, I’ll be off work by that time. The bad news is, I hope I don’t get pulled over for a expired May sticker today or tomorrow…

Well, my Enterprise personality test told me that I was Captain Archer. Rain’s, on the other hand, told her that she was Porthos the ship’s dog.

Okay, stop thinking what you’re thinking. You perverts. 😉

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