More Oscar Fallout

This was part of last night’s “Vote Early, Vote Often!” poll on As The Apple Turns, a weekday Mac news and rumors site. Some of the choices only make sense if you follow Mac stuff carefully: however…

“What did you find most disappointing about the 74th Annual Academy Awards?”

3) Boy, you’d think that Halle Berry could have mustered up at least a little emotion
4) Not nearly enough onscreen violence between the Pixarians and the Shrek team
5) After sixteen nominations, Randy Newman only finally won once he started to look eerily like Roger Ebert

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One Comment

  • kittykatya says:

    Personally, I think Halle Berry could have used a little more dress in her dress. 🙂 Admittedly, she did have the figure to pull it off, but … well, I just don’t get designers.

    “I’ve got 28 yards of fabric… I know! I’ll make a skirt with it. “
    *28 yards later*
    “Well, the skirt’s nice, but what to do with the top? Use some of the skirt material? No, that’s crazy talk. I know — I’ll get some sheer fabric and whatever’s bloomed in the garden. Genius!”

    Heh. CGI rumble. I think that Sully could have taken Shrek 3 falls out of 4, but it’s a tougher call on the outcome between Mike and the Donkey. 🙂

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