On a Yahoo! mailing list I belong to, a couple people are being horrid and insulting to a woman because she won’t post topless or nude pictures of herself. Then another member leaps to her “defense”, telling her to ignore them ’cause they are obviously gay and that gay people just like to sit around harassing upstanding straight folk.

*sigh* Times like this, I just need to leve the computer and go watch something involving puppies, or kitties, or Hayao Miyazaki and childhood.

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  • meiran says:

    *blinku* a-not sure I want to ask what kind of mailing list this is ; ) and b-I know exactly how you feel. People just have been ridiculous lately…or at least quite a few of my MLs have been

  • kittykatya says:

    Hate to say this, but it might be time to find a new mailing list. Things like that are why I’m on so few these days. 😐

    Oh, and when looking for childhood things, don’t make a mistake and watch Meet the Feebles; that’s not something for reminiscing about childhood. 🙂

  • Mikhail says:

    not sure I want to ask what kind of mailing list this is

    You have a dirty mind, Meiran.

    Oh, that’s a compliment, btw. Only type of person I want to hang around. 😀

  • meiran says:

    Thanks ; ) I pride myself in it : )

  • Mikhail says:

    Feeble comment

    I am permanently scarred by that movie. I will never forget showing up at your Blacksburg haunt, late for a party, and that movie was in progress… I wanted so badly to stop watching, but I just… couldn’t… look… away… 🙂

    Imagine my surprise when I found out it was the same director behind Fellowship of the Ring. The man’s got range, you have to admit that!

  • kittykatya says:

    Re: Feeble comment

    He also did Heavenly Creatures, The Frighteners, and one of my personal favorites, Forgotten Silver. If I haven’t shown you that last one, remind me to the next time we have a significant amount of time.

    You know, I wonder if it might be worth the effort to have a small VCR and TV running in the staff suite at Rising Star…

  • yubbie says:

    How Rude…

    of them to expect her to post pictures, without offering to pay for them first! There are standards in the world, after all :-).

    Seriously, like Meiran, I don’t wanna know what kind of list this is… Particularly if I find out it’s something like a sybase support group or some such.

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: How Rude…

    Would you believe it if I said it was about mysql?

    I am up to my armpits in psuedo-debian install packages right now and hoping like hell that this dselect frontend knows what it’s doing…

  • yubbie says:

    Re: How Rude…

    Sigh. Why does it figure.

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