Go Me
Once I take care of a remaining piece or two of WizKids paperwork, I’ll be approved to carry a loadout of 12 tons of armor, a particle cannon, 6 lasers, two machine guns, and a six-missile launching rack. However, I may not be allowed to appear in public thanks to the lawsuit over Dougram/Macross images.
There’s an opening up at my venue for a Primary BM.
I’ll recommend you, if you want.
Also, whomever painted that BM mech, well… it could use some work. *hopes it wasn’t you and you were all proud of it and schtuff*.
Um, yay? I have to admit, I didn’t follow a lot of that.
Re: Painted Mech
Nope, that paint job’s not mine, just a figure I found on the web after a hasty search.
I have three painted Battlemaster figures… the first two aren’t really stellar, being early work of mine… the third I’m really proud of, but it’s been heavily modified to represent a 90-ton jump-jetted missile mech with a hatchet. (We called the design “Mazinger” or “Merkava” depending on our audience.)
Was thinking about you this weekend, looking at a boxed Tau army for 40K while Rain took another venue prize. What I was thinking was, “if I fielded this army, how long would it take for ogresama to clean my clock completely?”
Re: Obscure References
Sorry about that, I was in an in-joky mood. π A volunteer for the MechWarrior click-base game is called a “Battlemaster”, but in the MechWarrior computer games, a Battlemaster was an 85-ton combat machine. You don’t see the Battlemaster machines in the current versions of the game, because the design was originally borrowed (with permission) from anime; when anime started making real money in the States, lawyers jumped right in, and the game had to ditch all the borrowed designs.
So, I’m approved as a WizKids Battlemaster, which makes me happy. π
Re: Painted Mech
*doesn’t exactly know what’s in the Tau army box set, but has played against them several times*
Tau Battlecry – “NOT THE FACE!! *cringe*”
They have absolutely no problems shooting at you from 30″ away with their st5 weapons, but get them into H2H and they just kind of shrivel up and die.
Guardsmen can beat them up.
Re: Obscure References
Ok, I will revert to my initial “yay” and add a “!”. π
Re: Obscure References
Ah. Okay. *That*’s funny.
originally borrowed (with permission) from anime
Really? Wow. I had no idea. I just assumed they stole the Mech designs and no one cared until anime hit it big in the states.
Re: Obscure References
Copyright laws are actually pretty lax in Japan, as long as you don’t piss anybody off doing it.
Re: Obscure References
The hell? What anime is the design for the Battlemaster from? I know about the blatant ripping of the Wasp, Stinger, Warhammer, Marauder, Rifleman, and a few others from Macross, but can you elaborate on others that were ripped off – is there a list somewhere?
Re: Obscure References
The Battlemaster’s from an anime called Dougram… most of the borrowed designs that weren’t from Macross were Drugram designs.
There’s a list here: http://brianscache.com/unseen/
Trivia note: In the old Marvel New Mutants comic, Warlock (the living nanotech machine) used to form armor, flight packs, and weapons for his friend Cypher, the human universal translator. Cypher’s real name was Doug Ramsey… and in an incredibly obscure visual pun, one of the first forms Warlock took for Cypher was Dougram power armor. Obviously the artist was an anime fan.
Re: Obscure References
Dude…. that’s just sad. That’s almost as bad as my encyclopedic knowledge of Warner Brothers cartoons.
“If it’s the captain’s mess, let /him/ clean it up.”
Re: Obscure References
Ok, to prove there are other sad cases out here, if is talking about the issue of New Mutants I think he is(One of the annuals where the kids ended up in Asgard and Dani Moonstar became a Valkyrie), Warlock also came swooping to the rescue in the shape of the upgraded Enterprise. Also, I believe the Dougram in question is called a “Shadowhawk” in Classic Battletech.
Now, if I could just remember the things I needed to, I’d be set!
Re: Obscure References
Useful reference page. My favorite mecha designs were actually the Dougram rip-offs, and favorite aerospace designs the ones from Crusher Joe. While it wasn’t the only reason, I lost interest in Battletech around the time the “anime” designs finally got pulled from continuity.
Somewhere around I’ve got the pair of original Japanese Sun Fang Dougram tactical boardgames, with the double handful of quite cool pewter 25mm mecha minis. IIRC the anime itself was a bit depressing, but the designs made far more sense than typical for a mecha show.