Quiet yet diabolical laughter

Thanks to Fragile Gravity (April 18th comic), I believe I now have artwork for two of the characters at Rising Star’s run of Badge Wars.

Too bad I can’t run a game of that at Origins.

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  • kittykatya says:

    Bwa ha ha!!!!!

    Oh, wait – sorry you said quiet yet diabolical.

    bwa ha ha.

  • raininva says:

    Given we will only be up to the Beta rules at Rising Star, I don’t think we would want to run it at Origins.

    Yes…. Yes…. lets bring our alpha/beta game to one of the largest gatherings of gamers who will rules lawyer our meaning of the word ‘is’ in the third sentence of the second paragraph. Hmmm I don’t think so.

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: rules lawyers

    You are so correct. It would have been more accurate for me to say, “Too bad I can’t and don’t really want to run it there.”

  • jazzfish says:


    Yer going to Origins?

    (I, along with several other Bleaksburger, will be hanging out with the Looney Labs folks for a good deal of Origins, although I’ll stick my head out occasionally.)

  • kittykatya says:

    Yes…. Yes…. lets bring our alpha/beta game to one of the largest gatherings of gamers who will rules lawyer our meaning of the word ‘is’ in the third sentence of the second paragraph.

    You know, I read that wrong the first time. I saw that and thought, “Wow! Badge Wars with Alphabet Game rules? That’s cool!
    ‘I want that Thug 3 Badge!’
    ‘Just you try and take it.’
    ‘Kneel before the power of my Vile One badge!’
    ‘Lost! All is lost!’

  • Mikhail says:

    Re: Origins?

    We hope we are going. The hotel bill for the weekend is pretty steep, and we’re trying to find a roommate who can help us take a chunk off. But yeah, we’ve got it in our planners.

  • jazzfish says:

    Re: Origins?

    Bert Isla, who runs Waldenbooks and Tcon gaming, and whose email address is bislab (at) juno [dot] com (he’s also at ) can maybe put you in contact with a couple other people who are going and may be looking to split a hotel room.

    Good luck with getting there. It’s a way cool experience.

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