This guy was serious
“You guys charge by the word, right?”
“Yes sir.”
“Okay, the ad reads: 1998 Framistan 300, 2001 Geezberg 197, 1972 Hoopyloc 180, and 1986 Felgercarb 200. $1000 for all. 540-555-1234.”
“Okay, sir, that’s 17 words.”
“No, it’s only seven words. The rest are numbers, so I get them for free.”
“… what?”
Tell him the charges are “per string of alphanumeric characters”?
*blink* Okay, did you throw things at him?
Perhaps you guys need to put a big sign: “Items like ’27’, ‘1970’, and ‘#*&^$^!’ count as words in totaling your price. Please do not try and nitpick with us about this.” :\
I ran your suggestion by the staff – they really liked the idea; especially our regular counter person, who while no dummy, is a very non-technical person with an occasionally thick Appalachian mountain accent.
Listening to her trying out “Ah’m sahrry, but we have to chahge per straing of owlphunameric charactahs” really made the afternoon. 🙂
I actually froze up, I couldn’t believe he was saying that to me with a straight face. I finally just stated politely but flatly that he had to pay for 17 words or we couldn’t place the ad.
Not a bad idea – or a little 4×5 slip with “Guidelines and Rules” we could hand out.
The urge to start the “Antidisestablishmentarianism is supercalifragilisticexpialidoceous!” club and place an ad is strong… 🙂
Glad I could help, contrary to what may think, I’m not entirely helpless on my own ^_-
Or for the less technologically inclined:
“Every time we touch the space bar, it’s a new “word”.”
Oh well. Your nitpicking is about what a “word” is. Mine is about when an “hour” starts or ends. 9.9