“mephox, evasive starboard!”

Your Starship Crew by darqholme
Favorite Captain
Favorite Starship
First Officer krysturtle
Doctor trillfreelance
Counselor calandra
Helmsman mephox
Security/Tactical trenn
Chief Engineer snidegrrl
Love Interest rainbowsaber
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Okay, but I think I’m switching trenn to my Chief Engineer and snidegrrl to my Security / Tactical. That just seems more aesthetically pleasing somehow.

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  • snidegrrl says:

    Oh dear… you’re in for a world of trouble… I am too squishy and nice to be security! And my tactics will be something like: “maybe if we just are calm and show them how nice we are *BOOM* then they will stop shooting at us *SMASH*”


    Yes, it’s true, I’m not as snide as you might guess by my title…

  • rubinpdf says:

    What? Your favorite starship isn’t the TSE Mirage, Mr. Fields? I think Janet may just show you how the new airlock functions. 😎

  • Mikhail says:

    *laughs* Okay, then, you get Counselor and gets Security / Tactical. That might work too 🙂

  • Mikhail says:

    I felt I had to stick to Federation starships, otherwise my favorite captain would certainly have been the striking Captain Vanderdecken 🙂

  • rubinpdf says:

    Well, I went ahead and fixed it for you anyway… and it nearly works.

    Your Starship Crew by darqholme
    Favorite Captain

    Favorite Starship
    First Officer drich
    Doctor tzel
    Counselor robin_d_laws
    Helmsman rainbowsaber
    Security/Tactical janscottfrazier
    Chief Engineer jdunson
    Love Interest mikailborg
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    I always suspected you were a bit of a narcissist 😎

  • rubinpdf says:

    I don’t know why the top answers are not showing up correctly, but it should read:
    Username: mikailborg
    Favorite Captian: Kirk
    Favorite Starship: TSE Mirage

  • Mikhail says:

    Hmmm, would you like Doctor? I don’t think Trillian would mind. 🙂

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