Water, fire, and radiation

Monday morning, our oil heater (which handles water and house heating) conked out on us. We had a cold Monday and Tuesday, and a shower with 40-degree water’s not much fun at all.

After discovering that a repair call would cost around $350, we decided to get out the tools and see if we could break anything else get it working again. Last night around 9, we re-discovered fire, and I can add a die or two of “oil heater repair” to the skill list on my character sheet. Hot water is so wonderful when you’ve gone without for 36 hours or so.

My parking garage has switched from magnetic-stripe access cards to RFID cards. I no longer swipe the card through a reader, I just wave the card in the reader’s general direction. Makes me feel like a VIP with a special pass or something.

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  • eeedge says:

    High tech is excellent. I feel like I’m in the Star Trek universe more and more frequently these days. Only without the social improvements.

    Re: the heater, I’m not worthy! I would never dare to try fixing a heater. I would be waaaaay too convinced of my ability to make it worse.

  • Dude, I like to fix things and I wouldn’t try that! Good job!! 🙂

  • jsciv says:

    A complex I visit a lot here in LA has a laser-scanner. Cars that belong inside get a barcode, and you just drive on up. As you pass, the laser scans the barcode and you never have to stop as the bar lifts in front of you. I’m constantly afraid we’re going to slam into that bar one day when the laser doesn’t quite catch the code…..

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