The “Are You Unique?” meme
I’ll try this one out, since it was an interesting mental exercise.
Name a CD you own that you think no-one else on your friends list does.
Matsuri Za: Matsuri Daiko (taiko drumming)
Signed by the artists, who were performing at Epcot while raininva and I were there.
Name a book you own that you think no-one else on your friends list does.
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
A book on number theory, surrealist art, classical music, computer programming, cellular biology, and more. Not light bedtime reading.
Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that you think no-one else on your friends list does.
“J-Men Forever”
This was a HARD one. Movies are social for me, so nearly every one I have was purchased off a recommendation or was a gift from someone else who already has it. (I assume we’re excluding those films which celebrate the inventiveness humanity brings to the act of reproduction.)
Name a place that you have visited that you think no-one else on your friends list has.
The Ghiradelli Chocolate factory in S.F.
My first choice was the National Geographic Society building in D.C., but it’s just too close by, and I know too many intellectual types who might have swung by there 🙂
Name a piece of technology or any sort of tool you own that you think no-one else on your friends list has.
An Apple Newton MessagePad
This one, OTOH, I feel quite confident about!
Nope, I have a first edition GEB.
Also been to the Ghiradelli factory. Listened to Peruvian music in the little plaza near it, and even bought a tape :).
And I’d have owned a messagepad if they weren’t so freaking expensive when they first came out.
Should have figured that I knew too many serious computer folk to get away with GEB. So have you been to the National Geographic building?
According to something I read today, MessagePads (like some other Apple products) hold tenaciously onto their value. It’s still three figures to buy a functional one most places.
Name a CD you own that you think no-one else on your friends list does.
After a few ‘Rain probably has that, Meche might have that…’I realized Zazen was likely a safe bet. I got it while I was in a cult. 😉
Name a book you own that you think no-one else on your friends list does.
The Kin of Ata Are Waiting For You. Despite the fact that it’s a normal philosophy as told by a story book, it was only available in the DC area in Lamba Rising. So it’s probably not in everyones bookshelves, but a good read!!
Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that you think no-one else on your friends list does.
Documentary: Reopen the 9/11 Investigation which has a lot of great science in there to geek out to.
Movie: I have many many obscure movies from the beginning of so and so’s career, but they mostly suck and were bought for amusement value. I will go with an excellent movie: American Yakuza. Very good, very group and has Viggo Mortenson WELL before he was famous! (I saw it close to when it came out too, not because I was Arragorn hunting.)
Name a place that you have visited that you think no-one else on your friends list has.
The Spy Museum in DC. Mostly because it’s only a few years old and the odds are good no one’s gotten there yet. Also it deserves the plug. VERY cool. I actually had to leave (after many many hours) before I was done because my brain was full. Also near to a great Irish Pub in the middle of Chinatown which would be my second choice.
Name a piece of technology or any sort of tool you own that you think no-one else on your friends list has.
Does the crap that no one would ever want that my mom buys me for Christmas count?
Oh, something cool?
My Sidekick II – PDA meets phone meets crappy digital camera meets computer. I’m in love. (Except the crappy camera part.)
I’ve been to the Ghirardelli Factory too. I lived in SF for 18 months and you don’t get away that long without stopping by. 🙂
Once, when I was in elementary school. I grew up in that area, and it was field trip fodder.
Hey dude, this is Andreau. Just letting you know that I added you.