
Carl Sagan’s Cosmos – on Google Video, and freely downloadable for your desktop computer or in iPod/PSP format.

Yes, he talked funny. Yes, the clothes are so early 80’s. But the man believed that the discoveries and ideals of science were within the reach of anyone who could operate a TV set, rather than the private property of Ph.D.s and research corporations. He spent a great deal of his life backing up his belief with actions.

Though the show is over 20 years old, there’s little that needs to be revised or edited. Though we’ve learned much more about all the subjects he covers, the base concepts are still solid. It’s really worth several hours of your time to watch it, if you haven’t… or to watch it again if it’s been a decade or two. One of my favorite nuggets of information is his observation on organic chemistry: since the birth of the universe produced only hydrogen and perhaps some helium, heavier elements like carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen had to be produced in the fiery deaths of the first suns.

You, me, and every human being who ever lived can claim stars as ancestors. 🙂

And for those who like their science a little more ‘splody, free Mythbusters episodes. It’s more propaganda for such a crazy idea: if you’re not sure whether to believe a story, do your own checking!

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One Comment

  • The Science Channel (for those with cable) has been running Cosmos on Tuesdays at 9 (at least locally) for the last few months. Apparently they’ve updated some of the animations and effects. Rumor has it that a new version with completely updated effects will be forthcoming on video.

    As an aside, the show was my first exposure to Holst and Vivaldi.

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