
Around 2 weeks ago, something bad happened to the password storage on my 667 MHz PowerBook, and I couldn’t even log into my own account. I tried various Mac/Unix fixes for this that I found Googling, but it was a wash. (One of them claimed that a second admin account would have made it easy. raininva made sure to tease me about that, since her account is a simple user.)

Luckily, any FireWire-equipped Mac can be made to pretend it’s nothing more than an expensive external drive, and all files were easily backed up to the desktop Mac. Last week, I found time to wipe and re-install, and this morning I got around to running Software update for all the OS patches. (Busy much? You don’t know the half of it.) Hopefully, I’ll find the time soon to copy all my documents back over and re-install any vital apps. (Nice thing about a wipe – you get rid of a lot of apps you weren’t really using.)

Interestingly enough, and saving me a lot of download time to boot, the wired Ethernet port on the machine has suddenly started working again. I had suspected software issues, not hardware ones, when it failed a few months ago.

The house is freezing. We switched to electric space heaters from the hot water radiators, since the oil costs for the latter were killing our bank account. Electric heat is much cheaper, but very very localized – especially when it hit 31 Farenheit outdoors the night before.

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  • jazzfish says:


    I recognised the title of your post /instantly/. I think that makes me a big dork.

    Electric heat is much cheaper, but very very localized

    Oof. Yeah. Many long evenings warming your hands at the cheery glow of the space-heater . . .

  • rattrap says:

    31 Farenheit at night…

    It was 31 Farenheit mid-afternoon yesterday in nature’s refrigerated city.

  • dragonpearl says:


    31 F. You’ve got nothing to complain about. It’s gonna get to a low of a whopping 0 degrees on saturday. šŸ™‚

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