Another “point of view”, Luke

Everyone’s been linking to this page, and it goes quite well with my uncontrollable urge to deeply analyze the underpinnings of the Star Wars movies. The page asks: which well-known movie character was the top field agent for the Rebellion between Episodes III and IV? It may not be who you’d think!



  • dpawtows says:

    The choice is obvious if you look at it from this point of view:
    The “Secret Agents” have to be the only two major characters who
    1. Don’t speak English.
    2. Have no facial expressions.
    Thus preventing them from actually saying or emoting anything on-screen that could contradict any of this. πŸ™‚

  • jsciv says:

    I’ve had similar thoughts, though not expressed as eloquently. There are just too many things wrong with the prequels, but this at least makes me a little less unhappy with them. πŸ™‚

  • jdunson says:

    I’ve maintained for years that the main character of all nine nominal films is R2-D2, with his comic-relief bumbling sidekick C-3PO. This may be partly a side effect of R2-D2 being the surviving narrator at the time the frame tale is being told, many years later. I’m not sure I’d agree with everything in that article, though; I think there’s a lot more improvisation and ‘trusting in the Force’ going on and probably less calculated plotting.

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