Clearly, it’s a Western

I just figured out why I’m the only fan on the East Coast who doesn’t watch Galactica. According to Wired magazine:

Even Battlestar Galactica, the flagship show of (hello!) the Sci Fi Channel, keeps a distance [from being identified as SF]. “It’s fleshed-out reality,” explains executive producer Ronald D. Moore in the sci-fi mag SFX. “It’s not in the science-fiction genre.”

Ahh, I get it. I was expecting Galactica to be science-fiction. Silly me.

And now, a multiple-choice question: You are behind another vehicle in a 55-mile-per-hour zone. For the last 5 minutes, the driver has moved no faster than 30 MPH. You’re running a little late, and you’d like to drive the speed limit. Do you:

A) Flash your headlights at the driver ahead;

B) Tailgate the other vehicle closely, hoping the driver will get the hint;

C) Attempt to pass the other vehicle, which will result in their sudden discovery of their gas pedal and acceleration to 70 or 80 MPH rather than allowing you to pass.

The answer in Hampton Roads is, of course, C.


  • kittykatya says:

    Um, you’re not alone. I don’t watch Galactica either. :\ I do keep informed on what’s happening by asking folks in the know, but I never was that interested in it.

    Perhaps we could form a support group…

  • jsciv says:

    I like the description that someone gave that said that BG was the show that got West Wing mixed into my sci fi. šŸ™‚ I don’t think I’d call much about it “reality”, but it definitely is more in the vein of a show about relationships. Still, isn’t the best sci fi a reflection on humanity anyway?

  • anterus says:

    New BG is just so…dark, depressing, and intensely-interconnected from episode to episode that it’s hard to jump in in the middle, which is one reason I don’t follow it when I do have cable.

    And, yes, I hate people like in C).

    Though, I do have to say, at what point does it become Science Fiction? Before, or after the large, polished-steel robots that hate humans, the space battles, and hyperspace?

  • tltrent says:

    Not science fiction? Oh, that’s funny, that one is, esp. considering their sponsoring channel.

  • meiran says:

    I don’t watch BSG and never intend to. A very large part of that is based on the derogatory attitude the producers and stars have towards science fiction as a genre, despite being part of it.

    Whatever dudes. You’re much better off when you embrace yourself and your fanbase. Trust me.

    They’ve said some downright nasty things about Stargate and Farscape. Two fandoms I wouldn’t want to mess with.

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