I cast “Cone of Politeness”

On another subject, I played a few hours of WoW last night. World of Warcraft has a few different kinds of game servers: PvE, where you only battle other players if you and the other players choose; PvP, where if you enter certain areas, you can be attacked at any time; and Role-Play, where in-game conversations are expected to remain in the persona of your chosen character.

The point of all this is that I’ve begun yearning for a new kind of WoW server: RolePlay-21, where players don’t have to stay in character, but they all have to converse in-game with maturity, manners, and otherwise like people with fulfilling lives outside the Internet.

I’ll move all my characters over there like a shot.

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  • rattrap says:

    I concur

    Sounds like Trek BBS this weekend. It gets a little snarky sometimes, but it generally tends to be mature and civil.

    Then, yesterday afternoon, some with (well, he was half right) decided to post an obscene header with porn links to every category on on the board (probably about 30). Fortunately, on Trek BBS, you have to reach 100 posts before you can link images into the post, so you at least had to click on the links.The moderators had to take until after midnight last night to put out all the fires.

    Also fortunately, he hadn’t bothered to do any kind of masking (doubt he was that smart) and they’ve nailed him and contacted his ISP.

  • anterus says:

    PvP, where if you enter certain areas, you can be attacked at any time;

    Those certain areas being just about everywhere but the newbie zones (approx levels 1-20), the racial cities, and Shattrath City. PvP servers are….interesting. Lots of folks on them like to just get on and spend a couple hours ganking folks who can’t necessarily defend themselves. Can be frustrating, but, well…a bit more satisfaction in leveling, ’cause it’s harder.

    But yeah, WoW players can be frighteningly immature.

  • eeedge says:

    After “listening” to one fourteen year old guildie expound for an hour yesterday about different quality alcohols in guild chat, putting up with the whining of a sixteen year old guildie about how hard it is to mine in Nagrand and having a nineteen year old put a Karazhan raid on hold for 15 minutes while he “dealt” with his girlfriend, I must concur. And these are the people in my GUILD. The ones in general chat are far worse.

  • meiran says:

    That hits the nail on the head for why I leave general chat the second I log on if it gets re-enabled, and why I refused to join the bigger guild all my friends left for.

    Now my guild is myself and my best friend. I don’t get any help with anything, but the maturity is guaranteed.

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