Dispatch From the Friends List Network

Interview questions from gryphynkit :

1. What do you consider your most worth-while accomplishment?

Probably working for NASA despite having no formal education in computers and, indeed, no college degree.

2. Most people know the Answer, what’s the Question?

“Who are you, what do you want from life, and how do you plan to get it?” It may read like three questions, but they are inescapably tied together.

3. What would you choose as your favorite series/author/ect, be it book, movie, comic, whatever?

You know, upon thinking about it, while there’s many things I’d recommend to folks, I’m no longer as passionate about my fandoms as I was years ago. Star Trek changed my life for the better, literally, but that’s more of a franchise.

I’m really not sure I have an absolute favorite any more. That’s kinda weird.

4. What’s your favorite way of dealing with stress?

Bottling it up inside and letting it slowly turn my hair grey. No, seriously; I usually love to pull up a good video game and blow off steam with some fantasy violence. I have some other ways to get stuff out of my system that you won’t see in an unlocked post 🙂

5. What’s a word that you use that very few others do? (ex. – I say youngling instead of child or kid)

Mostly swear words from fiction or from other languages. Not only are they usually less objectionable to others around me, but it helps me a bit to recover my center and get some perspective on what’s upsetting me.

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