My packrat-fu is strong

Starr’s parents gave her a bare-bones used iPaq PocketPC to use at work – there are all sorts of electronic drug references and such for nurses. Luckily, I happened to have an iPaq stylus lying around. Luckily, I happened to have an iPaq power cable lying around.

I smiled at her, and said “To answer a question you asked several weeks ago: This is why I have all the boxes of old cables.” She laughed.

I’m still not on jdunson‘s level, though. I’m pretty sure he carries around the necessary cable to connect a SATA DVD-RW to an ENIAC.

Getting up before the sun is bad enough for me. Soon, I will be driving to work before sunup. I really hate that… but I shall live.

I did fix a space heater before attaining full consciousness this morning. Some doof left two loose washers in it that were getting caught in the internal fan; I found a hex driver that would loosen the grille enough for me to shake them out. Saving $40 before breakfast makes me feel good.

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