Crawling From the Covers

Woke up this morning feeling old, tired, and defeated (and obviously quite sorry for myself).

Happily, that cloud has receded and I’m feeling almost human now. And I haven’t even had any caffeine yet today!

On the other hand, that means now I have to face the lengthy list of things I have to do today for work, home, and the upcoming con. But at least now I can look them all in the eye and feel a bit confident. That’s really the biggest part of my efforts to retrain myself over the last year or so… replacing “I can’t do this” with “let’s give it a try”.

I was practically manic at the beginning of this week. I like the feeling, because in that mode I figure I can do absolutely anything, and I indeed tend to get a few thigns accomplished. The only downside is the slew of unwise decisions I start making until I crash out of it, or someone points out reality to me.

Really, a middle road would work much better. I need the set of Google Maps for my psyche. (Hmm… “Here there be dragons?”)

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