Start Me Up

Sometimes, people post things on the Internet that just plain make me feel glad to be living in a world where someone spent the time to make them up.

The “Lions In Kenya” and “Shirley Bassey Getting the Party Started” videos are two examples. Here’s another:

I successfully stayed up all night on Saturday night. We decided that our level 56-ers needed to hit 58 This Weekend, which we reached about 6 am. It was nice to know that I can still do that… a year of 10pm bedtimes had left me doubtful. Still, I had to down several Tums, as one of the tricks my body uses to try to get me to go to bed is surges of stomach acid. Also, I was kind of out of it the next day; so, I’ve learned from this that I can do it, but not easily.

Found a website that generates an automatically updated stat block I can use for my characters, like so…


Too bad that the servers are now far too overloaded with requests to actually function properly. (This one won’t update, it’s static.)

Local TV re-ran the Special Edition “Trouble With Tribbles” this weekend, so last night I dug out the “Trials And Tribble-ations” DS9 episode for Starr, who’d never seen it. Great fun! And then it hit me… there’s no way in heck that J.J. Abrams’ Lt. Uhura will be running around in that red minidress. Not in a 2008 feature film. I weep.

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  • anterus says:

    Very cool bit of WinMusic. Very clever, can’t imagine how much time that took to set up.

  • shrewlet says:

    Gratz on the mad progression to 58!. Now that you and Starr are both in outlands, ( i assume you are), then look me up on either one of my 2 toons, and I’ll give you a hand on quests and instances. and and and. 🙂

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