Actually, he probably made that up.

From the Canadian Press website:

OWEN SOUND, Ont. — A waitress from Owen Sound, Ont., says she can’t believe she was laid off after she had her head shaved for a cancer fundraising event.

Stacey Fearnall raised more than $2,700 for charity, but when she showed up for work and refused to sport a wig for her shift, her boss told her to take the summer off. Her employer, Dan Hilliard, says his restaurant has certain standards prohibiting men from wearing earrings and requiring employees to keep their hair at a reasonable length. He says Fearnall is still on the payroll and she can return to work once she sprouts some locks.

Hilliard admits the story isn’t great PR for the restaurant but as far as he’s concerned, it’s an internal staff problem. He says he’s already heard from some customers who agree with him and say they would have been “appalled” to have been served at Fearnall’s table.

Hey, you. Yes, you over there, the person who would be “appalled” to be served by a bald woman?

Your humanity license has been revoked, and we will begin devolving you shortly. Would you like “slime mold”, “dung beetle”, or “plankton”?

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