Now, we get to work.

The time is not too early to note, as John Scalzi does even more eloquently, that the movie’s not over.

Last night brought hope to many and anger to many others. But neither the left-wing paradise nor the right-wing apocalypse began at 11pm yesterday; we still have all the social, economic, and diplomatic issues we had 24 hours ago. The new president is a human being who will have to work with, negotiate with, and compromise with other human beings who disagree with him; by this time four years from now, there are likely to be conservatives pleasantly surprised by his administration, and liberals deeply disappointed.

We didn’t elect an emperor for life, we elected a Chief Executive for eight years tops. What happens to the country in the upcoming years is still more our responsibility than his: that’s the privilege and burden of being an American. I think we can handle it if we choose to.

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