Brief updates

  • 07:55 Spent the last two evening battling a virus and trojan on Starr’s Windows laptop. final score: Michael 2, Malware 0. #
  • 10:06 Why is attempting to focus my brain into serious writing causing me panic attacks? Wondering if an incense and yoga investment would help. #

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  • phred1973 says:

    Shouldn’t the virus and the Trojan have battled each other?

    Glad you won out, which baddies were they, and what’d you use?

    Enquiring minds want to know – I wanna know!

  • Mikhail says:

    The baddies were Trojan.Alureon.J and Backdoor.TDSS.

    Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool and AdAware got rid of Alureon, but it took CCleaner and SDFix to get rid of Backdoor.

    I put Symantec Anti-Virus on Starr’s machine, but frankly she’s beginning to think she wants a Mac.

  • phred1973 says:

    Yeah, I generally use Trojans (or other sleeves) for the Backdoor myself.

    Glad you conquered the issues.

    While Macs are traditionally ‘safer’ – mostly (IMHO) because of a lack of serious interest on the part of the twits who write such code – I have heard of some baddies made for them, and as they become more ‘mainstream’ – especially if/when more businesses hop aboard the Apple cart… it’s just a matter of time, My Pretties!

    But yeah. How ’bout $.linux?

  • Mikhail says:

    There’s a couple of nasty trojans out for the Mac right now, though you can only get them from BitTorrenting pirated software, so.

    She hasn’t really expressed any interest in Linux, but if she does, we’ll try it out. She does have the advantage, if she goes Mac, of a live-in professional Mac expert with a large software library 🙂

  • phred1973 says:

    Yeah – guess I should check environment variables before spouting off as if I knew a lil sumptin’-sumptin’ 😉

    While I rarely ever do anything with the twitterings on my page other than read them, my interest was piqued by your mention of slaying dragons, and I wanted to know what the big kids are using to supplement their digital immune system these days.


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