According to the Mental Age test, I act like I’m 23.

I’m surprised, I usually tell people that I hover between 8 and 12.


Tuesday night, while waiting for one of my co-workers to catch up with what I’d done, I looked over kittenchan‘s Project A-Kon costuming pics. Really nice work, but I’m a bit disappointed that I only recognized one or two of the anime characters. I’m so out of touch.

I’m also realizing that I miss costuming… I really don’t do it much any more, because of the time and expense, but I probably should, ’cause I love it. Nothing like getting to be an exhibitionist in another skin; free to act totally different for a little while because you aren’t you.

I’m sure a psychologist would have loads of fun with that. 🙂

Anyway, I did go ahead and post my 2000 and 2001 Halloween costumes to my Elfie site, as I’ve been meaning to for ages. (Yes, that includes the maid’s outfit.) If anyone has pics of some of my earlier con or H’ween outfits, please let me know… I can’t find my photo album at the moment, and I’d like to post more – especially the White Tiger Ranger, which I’m kinda proud of.

I do plan to make the party Saturday night, but since Rain will be out of town with my car, I may need a ride… meiran, how would you like some gas money? 😉


First time we went to the gym, I walked a mile, felt fine, was pretty proud of myself.

Second time (today), I walked two miles to prove to myself I could. Now my feet hurt and I’m sore all over. However, the massaging foot bath I bought Rain helped with the first bit, and ibuprofen will knock out the second, so I’m still pretty proud of myself.

Gonna stay at two miles until I’m comfy with it, though. I can’t wait until I can do five comfortably.

Notes from a weekend

Rain and I finally joined a gym. I think that the benefits of the place, for me, are 1) an air-conditioned, level track to do laps on and 2) a whirlpool jacuzzis to relax in afterwards. I might look into some of the classes too, but thanks to my Borg parts I need to avoid unnaturally repetitive motion and shocks to my hip. So a lot of the exercise equipment is out, and I probably won’t be doing jump-rope or step aerobics. 🙂 That’s okay; the only things I’m really looking for right now are more stamina for walking / hiking and a smaller waistband.

Went ahead and got “Return to Castle Wolfenstein” this weekend. Pretty game… would probably look better if I had the processor and video card that the game lists as “minimum requirements”. That’s okay, proper frame-rate is for the weak and helpless *grin*

Got a lot done on a “Star Wars” opening for Sean and Leisa’s wedding video this weekend. I think they’ll plotz when they see it. Hopefully, I can finish it tonight so we can get back to the actual editing, though I’ve already captured all the footage to hard drive, so a major chunk is already done. Thank you, meiran, for forcing us to finally get that big HD. 🙂

I always expect my list of digital media (games, CDs, DVDs) I’m saving for to be huge… but this weekend I compiled my list of books I’ve been meaning to get. It’s ugly, over a hundred dollars, and that’s just for the top six books… the posthumous Douglas Adams, an illustrated book on gnomes that I loved as a kid, a book on Cold War espionage equipment, and more. Great Ghu, I love to read.

The earliest appointment I can make to get my car inspected is Wednesday at 4:00 pm. The good news is, I’ll be off work by that time. The bad news is, I hope I don’t get pulled over for a expired May sticker today or tomorrow…


Got a newsletter from which mentioned some of the visual (and one audio) Easter Eggs in Episode 2. What interests me is that despite the fact that Lucas has expressed a basic lack of interest in the “Expanded Universe”, one of the secret items is a freighter which has only ever appeared in the EU. (Talon Karrde’s freighter Wild Karrde is visible for an eyeblink in one scene).

I wish Lucas understood that the Star Wars universe isn’t his personal property any more, and it’s his own fault. Any time a storyteller does as good a job as he did with the first trilogy, people will take it to their hearts and run with it. Just ask Lewis Carroll, or Edgar Rice Burroughs, or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. SW is Lucas’ legal property, sure., and it wouldn’t exist without him, but it resides in more places now than just his head.

Would Star Trek be on its fifth incarnation if the show was still under Gene Roddenberry’s inflexible hand? I don’t believe so.

Ah well… even with his blessing removed, the fans and pros will still continue their own Star Wars… and in this creative age, some of it will be as good or better than Lucas’ “vision”.

And I just heard that “Jedi Knight II” will be ported to the Mac and will run on my machine. Soon, I’ll be wielding a lightsaber just like Mace Windu. Okay, Anakin Skywalker. Would you believe Han Solo in Episode V?

20,000 Yards Through The Biosphere

I’ve been reading Kevin Anderson’s “Captain Nemo”, a ‘biography’ of the man as seen through the eyes of his childhood friend Jules Verne. It’s a good read, but so far, I wouldn’t put it on my “best books I’ve read” list – honestly, actual Jules Verne books have usually been better.

In that spirit, I’ve been looking around Roanoke for a copy of “From the Earth to the Moon And A Trip Around It”. Barnes and Noble had the first half, which is the one that most Verne fans know, but no one has the combined books. I’ve found all the copies I could want of “20,000 Leagues”, but I already have that one.

Walked into Givens Books for the first time in years. I need to go there more often: they had a stack of old paperbacks begging to be culled through, and I just didn’t have time yesterday. Maybe they even have one of the Randall Garrett “Lord D’Arcy” books I’ve been looking for for years! You have to love a bookstore that’s several musty rooms of shelves with haphazardly stacked books filling every inch of free space, and several prowling cats on mouse patrol. That just rocks.

simliar shmimilar

The Similar Minds test says that I am 81% similar with Meiran and 80% complimentary. I think it means “complementary”, but it is too late in the evening to be sure.

Readers who wish to compare themselves to me (yeah, right) can do so here: How Compatible are You with me?

Ninja Missions

All right, ninjas… your new orders have come in and you may find them here…

I’d tell you which one I got, but I’m afraid I’d have to kill you.

Well, my Enterprise personality test told me that I was Captain Archer. Rain’s, on the other hand, told her that she was Porthos the ship’s dog.

Okay, stop thinking what you’re thinking. You perverts. 😉

Okay, so now I’m going to ask my questions about Episode 2, and hopefully get them out of my system.

My Top Ten Episode 2 Worries

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