Activating Foot Transport System
Another thing I like about the new job: I get more exercise as I cross the base back and forth to take a look at client’s machines.
(I could drive, but if it’s nice out, why not burn a few calories?)
Not quite on Time
The 2007 season of Doctor Who started on Technicon Saturday, and no one on my flist posted word one? Not even rubinpdf?
I need to follow these things more closely. I also need to buckle down and finish the 2006 season… and Torchwood maybe…
Technicon 24 Sunday
April 1st, 2007
I woke up marveling at the fact that, after the lengthy whirlwind of a day I’d jumped into yesterday, I felt clear-headed and painless. It took me only about 15 minutes to repack my laptop and overnight bag – I hadn’t had the time to pack anything more than that on the way out from Norfolk. I went to kathleenroberts and jameshroberts‘ room to recover my corkscrew I’d left last night… then back 20 minutes later to recover the laptop bag I’d forgotten after retrieving the previous item. (Clear-headed, yes. Fully cognizant of my surroundings, no.)
I got to talk to vileone for a while about the LARP I didn’t manage to attend, then turned in my White Elephant contributions (someone set up us the bomb!) a little late. I hope they sold – I didn’t have time to stay and see. Then I spent at least half an hour chatting with rattrap – he gave me some keen Xmas presents! jsciv dropped in for the tail end of that conversation – at this point, I was wishing I’d had another day of con to spend, as I had *not* had the time I wanted to catch up and chat with everyone!
12:30 arrived, and I gave shrewlet a hug and reluctantly hit the road – I was planning a Roanoke stop that would add 2 more hours to my driving time. But I remained buzzed for the next whole day – heck, it still hasn’t worn off completely. To repeat myself: Technicon was awesome, my friends rock, and I absolutely cannot wait for next year!
Sparks and steam
Elfie’s mailserver appears to be non-functional at the moment.
Phooey on the timing of mischevious gods – I’m not in the mailserver at work yet, so I’ve been using Elfie for work correspondence.
Edit: 0900 Friday, yay, it’s working.
Edit: 0947 Friday, ooops, no it tisn’t.
Edit: 1427 Friday, yes, yes it is.
Technicon 24 Saturday
March 31st, 2007
I should have gotten up earlier, but my copy of “Should’ve” got lost somewhere around those traffic accidents. Still, by 10:00 or so, I was clean and dressed, and shrewlet suggested some quick breakfast protein – I directed us to the nearby Hardee’s.
45 minutes’ wait for a dry, overcooked sausage biscuit. Not my best plan ever.
The day got better from there, though
Technicon 24 Friday
Here’s a little more detail on Technicon weekend, broken into three entries:
March 30th, 2007
I had played with the idea of getting an early start on Friday, but that turned out to be completely unrealistic. There was some household packing to do so that furniture could be moved over the weekend, and quite a bit of telephone-based red tape to handle. Suffice it to say that I didn’t get to leave the house until 2:00 p.m. 5 hours of drive meant I’d be late for the start of the con, but I’d make my 9:00 panels easily enough – or so I thought, until multiple accident scenes on I-64 cost me another 2 hours.
Technicon 24
Technicon was awesome.
It was just what I needed, frankly, to recharge my batteries a bit to offset the drain of the trying days recently. anterus and his staff did an amazing job. I’m a fan of the new hotel, too.
I’ll have a lot more to say – some of which will go in the special filter – after I’ve gotten a little sleep. Somehow, I’m still in no pain from dancing on Saturday night, but my body is beginning to ask me in a general sense just what the hell I thought I was doing all weekend.
LJ people who made the weekend especially nice for me: shrewlet, platypusgirl, krysturtle, meiran, tltrent, kittykatya, tzel, rainbowsaber, kittenchan, impink, southernsinger, pathia, rattrap, fishy1, colleenk, dracoshen, vond, kathleenroberts, jameshroberts, and jsciv. That’s not even everyone from my Friends list whom I saw there – just a list of people I remember helping me out when I needed something. My friends rock.
Special thanks to vileone and vilejynx, who do not hate me despite the fact that I completely ran out of time to participate in their LARP!
I definitely want the DVD – and I absolutely want copies of those pictures. You know which ones!
Field Promotion
Technicon, as it is wont to do, is putting on a Whose Con Is It Anyway? show on Saturday. A week ago, I gladly accepted a request to participate. Last night, I discovered I was running it.
Err… I’m not panicking. Really. Is it a compliment to be secretly promoted from Ryan Stiles to (Clive Anderson / Drew Carey)?
Seriously, I’m cool with this, this is just the standard con surprise 🙂 The news was a bit startling, though!
(P.S. It’s now 0930 on 03/28, and the banner on the con home page says that the con starts in 14 hours. If that is indeed the case, i will be a bit late.)