My Muse Left A Message on My Machine

I seriously considered blowing off NaNoWriMo again this year, as I have done in previous years, because I honestly don’t believe I’d get anywhere close to the word count. My life is rather full at the moment.

But the other night, while gradually downshifting my brain for sleep, I came up with a plotline that I really like. Setting and conflict sprang to mind, though character and resolution still evade me. Also, some of it’s a touch derivative, and I’ll have to address that sooner or later. I wish to make sure that I have something original to say.

I seriously doubt I can spin out 50,000 words of it before December, but leaving NNWM out of the picture, this is the best idea I’ve had in a few years. It could well be worth pursuing.

There’s a blog called Slacktivist where, among other things, the writer presents his opinion of the “Left Behind” books in great detail. (Said opinion isn’t positive.) What I bookmarked, though, is Slacktivist’s link to Kurt Vonnegut’s “Eight rules for writing fiction.” Vonnegut isn’t exactly my favorite writer ever, but that’s an excellent list, and one I try to keep in mind when I’m writing.


Okay, I really have to replace the fan in this power supply. Anyone out there have something from their computer graveyard that would help?

I need Apple part #661-2303 (power supply for a G4 AGP Sawtooth Power Mac). Sometimes the part # 614-0108 can also be seen on said power supply.

Of course, all I really need from it is the internal fan. If someone has a dead supply with a working fan, or already has the fan lying loose and still functional, that would be just fine too 🙂

Yay Goo!

Happy birthday, southernsinger!

Subspace radio interference

I cannot reach ‘’ right now… haven’t been able to since sometime yesterday, it seems.

No e-mail for me right now.

And he looks *dang* good for 68, too

Halloween’s a holiday dedicated to things that aren’t what they seem, so it’s a bit appropriate that George Takei is choosing it to come publically out of the closet.

Good for him! I can’t help thinking that some of the people involved with RoVaCon way back when would have been less excited about inviting him had they known… but that’s far in the past now.

I haven’t decided yet what to wear to Mandy & Krys’ party tomorrow night. I do wish VTSFFC Halloween wasn’t 5 hours away. I also wish Rain didn’t work Saturdays and Sundays, making a 2- or 3am Rocky Horror evening this weekend a bit impractical.

In good news, Rain welcomed me home last night to a spotless living room lit by candles, served me an excellent dinner, and snuggled down with me for a romantic evening of TiVo’d MythBusters. (Hey, mad science is too romantic.) It was a good way to wrap up the day.

Harry Potter and the Dancers of Solid Gold

Found this in a comment on Kaja Foglio’s LiveJournal.

Ze goggles! Zey do nuttzink!!!!

Written while waiting for hot water

Busy life these days… I haven’t been taking time to slow down and write lately. I’m hoping to do more of that this weekend.

Went to Rising Star last weekend, and had lots of fun. I showed off the new Utilikilt on Saturday, and it went over quite well, though I have to think more carefully about the process of sitting down while I wear it. raininva and I scored over 20 PS2 games for around $100 or so at the auction – of course, lord knows when I’ll play any of them. With WoW on the computer, I have to poke myself to make time for my new copy of We (Heart) Katamari.

I missed meiran, ranchonmars, and madwriter… maybe I’ll see some of you at Marscon, and if not, there’s always T-Con.

We listened to the audiobook of “So You Want to Be A Wizard” on the way up and back. The narrator does good work with the voices, I’d recommend it. We bought it from iTunes, and while I understand this is not Apple’s idea, the process of getting the audiobook onto an MP3 CD for my car player was unpleasant. I hate the freaking music industry.

Three movies I want to see soon… Serenity, Mirrormask, and Curse of the Were-Rabbit. I haven’t been to see a movie in a while – no idea if I’ll make it to any of these.

I’ve been offered a ride to VTSFFC Halloween, and heard about another H’ween party in Richmond I’d like to go to, but either way, Rain can’t go because of her work schedule. This bites in great measure. OTOH, Trans-Siberian Orchestra is coming to Newport News in November, and that I might be able to see! There’s something about “Xmas Eve / Sarajevo” that makes me tingle when I hear it for the first time every season… it’s so angry and beautiful at the same time. Elton John’s “Funeral for a Friend” is the same way.

Tried “Second Life” last night. Lousy framerate and poor responsiveness were my first impressions… and this is on a Mac that does WoW quite tolerably. We’ll see if I go back.

More on my mind, but I gotta go to work.

Succumbing to the Shakespeare meme

If you see this on your friends list, add a Shakespeare quote to your own journal.

“To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”

–From Macbeth (V, v, 19)

My wife hangs out with Victor Davion

(Actually, probably not – they’re associated with rival Houses. But anyway.)

Rain’s now an official part of the Battletech universe, allowed to pilot any medium-weight ‘Mech from the “Age of Destruction” or later. (Yes, that could well mean Hunchbacks some day. *shudder*)

Meet House Kurita MechWarrior Reign O’Broin (time-travel does such terrible things to spelling). Personally, I think she’s a lost Kerensky; but that’s just me.

Crack open the rum

Aye, the sun’s long over the yardarm for her special day, but shiver me timbers, it seems a fine idea to be wishin’ kittykatya a late Happy Birthday on Talk Like A Pirate Day!

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